How to do multiple arguments with Python Popen?

How to do multiple arguments with Python Popen? In the end, it forcefully removes the Git repository. It works fine in my terminal. But, via the GUI it just opens, I add my password, press enter, and then it closes again. To directly answer your question, read below. How to run a script with multiple […]

Can I combine JavaScript and jQuery?

Can I combine JavaScript and jQuery? It is possible to run jQuery and JavaScript together in you application. All you need to know is, which is a JavaScript Object when trying to run some methods of it. jQuery can be handy sometimes. But, yes! Is it wrong to use jQuery? It’s not wrong to use […]

What happens if the collection Select method returns nil?

What happens if the collection Select method returns nil? If calling method returns nil, no selection is made without including :prompt or :include_blank in the options hash. The :value_method and :text_method parameters are methods to be called on each member of collection. What’s the latest version of Ruby on rails? Rails 3.2 requires Ruby 1.8.7 […]

How does the JavaScript prompt work in JavaScript?

How does the JavaScript prompt work in JavaScript? The JavaScript prompt () method does not require a lot of effort, but you can achieve terrific results by enhancing pages with dialog boxes. The prompt JavaScript method is applied to display a dialog box, which would stimulate users to respond by providing text input. The JavaScript […]

How to create a modular application in Java?

How to create a modular application in Java? The –module-path command, similar to –classpath, is the new command-line option java, specifying the location of the compiled modules. After running the preceding command, you will see the calculator in action: Congratulations! With this, we have a simple modular application up and running. How to create a […]

How can I tell which generation of Kindle Fire I have?

How can I tell which generation of Kindle Fire I have? Follow the step-by-step guide to check Kindle Fire generations: Unlock Kindle Fire. Slide down from the top of Kindle Fire screen. Tap “Settings” option. From “Settings” menu, tap “Device Options”. Then check “Device Model”. You will find the Kindle Fire generation. Method 2: Identify […]

What do you need to know about ELMAH?

What do you need to know about ELMAH? ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) is a pluggable component that you can use to log errors without modifying the application code. ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) is a pluggable component that you can use to log errors without modifying the application code. What is ELMAH […]

What is the difference between row level locking and table level locking?

What is the difference between row level locking and table level locking? Table-level locking systems always lock entire tables. Row-level locking systems can lock entire tables if the WHERE clause of a statement cannot use an index. Row-level locking systems can lock entire tables if a high number of single-row locks would be less efficient […]

What is session ID value?

What is session ID value? The SessionID property is used to uniquely identify a browser with session data on the server. The SessionID value is randomly generated by ASP.NET and stored in a non-expiring session cookie in the browser. The SessionID value is then sent in a cookie with each request to the ASP.NET application. […]

Which is better get posts or query posts?

Which is better get posts or query posts? Each have parameters that reflect this difference in implementation. query_posts also uses WP_Query, but is not recommended because it directly alters the main loop by changing the variables of the global variable $wp_query. get_posts, on the other hand, simply references a new WP_Query object, and therefore does […]