What namespace is MessageBox in C#?

What namespace is MessageBox in C#? In the System. Windows. Forms namespace you have the MessageBox class. How do you make a message pop up in C#? Just type mbox then hit tab it will give you a magic shortcut to pump up a message box. What method do you use in Visual C# to […]

What is included in the fault of a SOAP message?

What is included in the fault of a SOAP message? A SOAP fault is an error in a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) communication resulting from incorrect message format, header-processing problems, or incompatibility between applications. A message that includes a fault element is known as a fault message. How are errors in SOAP messages sent? […]

How do I find out what color my iPhone is?

How do I find out what color my iPhone is? Launch the phone app and open the keypad. Tap the following keys: #0#. A diagnostic screen pops up with buttons for a variety of tests. Tapping the buttons for Red, Green, or Blue paints the screen in that color to make sure the pixels are […]

How can I change the default ringtone on my Android phone?

How can I change the default ringtone on my Android phone? So, here we shall tell you how to change the default ringtone app on Android phones. For some users, the ringtone picker app gets stuck on a third-party app. So, they want to delete the default settings for ringtone and go back to the […]

How to select data and split on pages in PHP?

How to select data and split on pages in PHP? Instead of doing a single SELECT query and display all the 100 records on a single page we can have 5 pages each containing maximum 20 records. To do this we will need to use the LIMIT clause for SELECT command so we can limit […]

Which Jenkins plugin helps to process test reports?

Which Jenkins plugin helps to process test reports? The JUnit plugin provides a publisher that consumes XML test reports generated during the builds and provides some graphical visualization of the historical test results (see JUnit graph for a sample) as well as a web UI for viewing test reports, tracking failures, and so on. What […]

How to check the fit of a curve in Python?

How to check the fit of a curve in Python? If you had printed out the full fit report from lmfit (or properly untangled to components of the covariance matrix from curve_fit) you would see that the parameters a and b are 100% correlated. Can a string be multiplied by a float in Python? While […]

What does view controller do?

What does view controller do? A view controller acts as an intermediary between the views it manages and the data of your app. The methods and properties of the UIViewController class let you manage the visual presentation of your app. What does ViewController swift do? You use view controllers to manage your UIKit app’s interface. […]

Why is my Google Chrome search bar not working?

Why is my Google Chrome search bar not working? Chrome Users – clear Chrome data and reopen the browser. Reset your browser. Uninstall and re-install your browser. What to do if Chrome is not updating? Top 8 Fixes for Google Chrome Not Updating on Android Restart Phone and Modem. Switch Data. Update All Apps. Update […]

Why do pragmas occur after a line in GCC?

Why do pragmas occur after a line in GCC? GCC keeps track of the location of each pragma, and issues diagnostics according to the state as of that point in the source file. Thus, pragmas occurring after a line do not affect diagnostics caused by that line. Causes GCC to remember the state of the […]