Why is QObject connect cannot queue arguments of type?

Why is QObject connect cannot queue arguments of type?

I keep getting this message: QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type ‘ProcessHandle*const’ (Make sure ‘ProcessHandle*const’ is registered using qRegisterMetaType ().) It causes following error:

How to make my class work with queued connections?

QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type ‘ProcessHandle*const’ (Make sure ‘ProcessHandle*const’ is registered using qRegisterMetaType ().) It causes following error: So how do I make my class work with Queued connections?

Can a qvector be queued over a queued connection?

Once you make this call, you should be able to emit the QVector type over queued connections. If I register QVector I can’t dissconnect this signal and the signal is emited. Registering a metatype shouldn’t prevent you from disconnecting a signal. It just allows you to queue types that aren’t already registered with the meta system.

Which is an example of queued changes in Qt?

For a counter example, look at the QML ListModel and WorkerScript example in http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquick-threading-example.html. ListModel has explicit support for applying queued changes to the model via sync ().

Is there a QObject that cannot queue arguments?

QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type ‘QHostAddress’ (Make sure ‘QHostAddress’ is registered using qRegisterMetaType ().) Nothing special is printed to the execution log.

Why is there a message in QObject connect?

Any help is much appreciated. The message means that QObject::connect () and related functionality doesn’t know how to copy the signal argument for delivery to a slot in a different thread. Registering the type, as hinted at by the message, will remove the warning.

Once you make this call, you should be able to emit the QVector type over queued connections. If I register QVector I can’t dissconnect this signal and the signal is emited. Registering a metatype shouldn’t prevent you from disconnecting a signal. It just allows you to queue types that aren’t already registered with the meta system.

For a counter example, look at the QML ListModel and WorkerScript example in http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquick-threading-example.html. ListModel has explicit support for applying queued changes to the model via sync ().