Why does fragment not have a set background?

Why does fragment not have a set background?

Fragments don’t inherit from View and thus don’t have a set background method. The reason why that doesn’t work is because fragment is treated similar to an activity. It is a container that is the child of the main activity, and is used to display other items.

How to change background color of fragment in Android?

You need to put the android:background=”#CBA” in the actual layout that holds the TextView and NOT the fragment itself. Like so:

How do you create a fragment in Android?

While your activity is running, you can make fragment transactions such as adding, removing, or replacing a fragment. In your FragmentActivity, you can get an instance of the FragmentManager, which can be used to create a FragmentTransaction.

How to set theme in manifest for fragment?

Setting Theme in manifest is usually used for Activity. If you want to set Theme for Fragment, add next code in the onCreateView () of the Fragment:

Fragments don’t inherit from View and thus don’t have a set background method. The reason why that doesn’t work is because fragment is treated similar to an activity. It is a container that is the child of the main activity, and is used to display other items.

You need to put the android:background=”#CBA” in the actual layout that holds the TextView and NOT the fragment itself. Like so:

Setting Theme in manifest is usually used for Activity. If you want to set Theme for Fragment, add next code in the onCreateView () of the Fragment:

How to create a fragment in Android activity?

Instead, a FragmentTransaction is used to instantiate a fragment and add it to the activity’s layout. While your activity is running, you can make fragment transactions such as adding, removing, or replacing a fragment. In your FragmentActivity, you can get an instance of the FragmentManager, which can be used to create a FragmentTransaction.