Why do I keep getting the activity notfoundexception?

Why do I keep getting the activity notfoundexception?

However I continuously kept getting the ActivityNotFoundException even though I had checked and rechecked the code multiple times. This exception I was getting wasn’t actually being caused by the intent but some code I was running inside the loaded activity throwing a RuntimeException. (my issue was caused by Typeface.createFromAsset ())

Why is my activity throwing a RuntimeException?

This exception I was getting wasn’t actually being caused by the intent but some code I was running inside the loaded activity throwing a RuntimeException. (my issue was caused by Typeface.createFromAsset ()) It is possible you are running into a similar RuntimeException in your activity.

How to delete an activity from Android manifest?

The activity you are calling should appear not only in the Manifest for its own package, but in the Manifest for the CALLING package, too. Delete your activity from the manifest and then add it again. This type do not write type the XML directly.

Why do I get no activity found to handle intent error?

I got the same error android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent The problem was because i didnt have any app that can open URLs (i.e. browsers) installed in my phone. So after Installing a browser the problem was solved. So how can we handle this situation? – Nikhil Oct 5 ’16 at 13:40

Can you start intents with file in Android 24?

Now with Android 24 apparently we are not allowed any more to start intents with file:/// and after some googling it was advised to use A File Provider

Where do I find the intent object in Android?

The Intent describes the activity to start and carries any necessary data. If you want to receive a result from the activity when it finishes, call startActivityForResult(). Your activity receives the result as a separate Intent object in your activity’s onActivityResult() callback.

How are intents and intent filters used in Android?

Intents are matched against intent filters not only to discover a target component to activate, but also to discover something about the set of components on the device. For example, the Home app populates the app launcher by finding all the activities with intent filters that specify the ACTION_MAIN action and CATEGORY_LAUNCHER category.

What happens when intent matches an intent filter?

If the intent matches an intent filter, the system starts that component and delivers it the Intent object. If multiple intent filters are compatible, the system displays a dialog so the user can pick which app to use.

What does it mean to start a service with intent?

You can start a service to perform a one-time operation (such as downloading a file) by passing an Intent to startService (). The Intent describes the service to start and carries any necessary data.

However I continuously kept getting the ActivityNotFoundException even though I had checked and rechecked the code multiple times. This exception I was getting wasn’t actually being caused by the intent but some code I was running inside the loaded activity throwing a RuntimeException. (my issue was caused by Typeface.createFromAsset ())

The activity you are calling should appear not only in the Manifest for its own package, but in the Manifest for the CALLING package, too. Delete your activity from the manifest and then add it again. This type do not write type the XML directly.

This exception I was getting wasn’t actually being caused by the intent but some code I was running inside the loaded activity throwing a RuntimeException. (my issue was caused by Typeface.createFromAsset ()) It is possible you are running into a similar RuntimeException in your activity.

Where do I find activation error in Windows 10?

To access this exception path, select Start > Settings > Update & Security > Activation , and then select Troubleshoot. If the troubleshooter can’t resolve the issue, you’ll see a link to reactivate after a hardware change. Select it to follow this path. For more info, see Reactivating Windows 10 after a hardware change .

Are there any startup problems in Windows 10?

Windows 10 Startup problems are very common. This can happen for a number of reasons. In this tutorial, I will try to highlight a couple of suggestions on how to go about solving this issue. If you are experiencing common issues like Blackscreen, Bootloop, Infinite loading screen, or infinite boot this tutorial will be for you.

When is an exception thrown in startactivity?

Content This exception is thrown when a call to StartActivity (Intent) or one of its variants fails because an Activity can not be found to execute the given Intent.

Content This exception is thrown when a call to StartActivity (Intent) or one of its variants fails because an Activity can not be found to execute the given Intent.