Which is the latest version of Tesseract OCR?

Which is the latest version of Tesseract OCR?

I will be using versions OpenCV 2.4.2 and Tesseract OCR 3.02.02. I have also made two tutorials on installing Teseract and OpenCV for Vista x86 on Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express. However, you can go on the official sites for official documentation on installing the libraries on your system.

How to train tesseract with a new font?

If you want to train tesseract with the new font, then generate .traineddata file with your desired font. For generating .traineddata, first you will need .tiff file and .box file. You can create these files using jTessBoxEditor. Tutorial for jBossTextEditor is here.

How to create an OCR for an equation?

To initialize for our language and set recognition mode for characters: After extracting all the characters we can use Tesseract on those single characters to get the recognized character. OpenCV uses a different data storage type from Tesseract but we can easily extract the raw data from a Mat to Tesseract.

How to prepare training files for Tesseract OCR and improve characters?

These files tell Tesseract where each glyph is located. Just open the bash console (on Windows it would be cygwin) and launch the script: The first two parameters of the command are input and output file names (remember to change them accordingly), then there follow config files (“batch.nochop” and “makebox”) which tell Tesseract what to do.

Is there an open source version of tesseract?

Please reference a full example project and the test images at the end of the article. Tesseract is an open source OCR engine with support for unicode and the ability to recognize more than 100 languages out of the box. You may access the official website for Tesseract here.

If you want to train tesseract with the new font, then generate .traineddata file with your desired font. For generating .traineddata, first you will need .tiff file and .box file. You can create these files using jTessBoxEditor. Tutorial for jBossTextEditor is here.

To initialize for our language and set recognition mode for characters: After extracting all the characters we can use Tesseract on those single characters to get the recognized character. OpenCV uses a different data storage type from Tesseract but we can easily extract the raw data from a Mat to Tesseract.