Which is better BufferedReader or Scanner?

Which is better BufferedReader or Scanner?

BufferedReader has significantly larger buffer memory than Scanner. BufferedReader is a bit faster as compared to scanner because scanner does parsing of input data and BufferedReader simply reads sequence of characters.

How to convert a string to an InputStream in Java?

In Java, we can use ByteArrayInputStream to convert a String to an InputStream. 1. String to InputStream This example converts a String to an InputStream and saves it into a file.

Do you need UTF-8 for InputStreamReader in Java?

Note that the second parameter (i.e. Charsets.UTF_8) for the InputStreamReader isn’t necessary, but it is generally a good idea to specify the encoding if you know it (which you should!) This is the best pure Java solution that fits perfectly for Android and any other JVM.

How to convert string to InputStream in Apache Commons Io?

Apache Commons IO If there is a commons-io library in the project, we can use the IOUtils.toInputStream to do the same conversion. Review the IOUtils.toInputStream source code, it is using the same ByteArrayInputStream to convert a String to an InputStream.

How to convert a bytearray stream to a string?

finally – we use the CharSource to read it as a String. A simpler way of doing the conversion with Guava, but the stream needs to be explicitly closed; luckily, we can simply use the try-with-resources syntax to take care of that:? InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream (originalString.getBytes ()); 3. Converting With Apache Commons IO

How to convert InputStream to string in Java?

One of the better ways to convert InputStream to String in Java is using Apache IOUtils. Add the below apache-commons dependency in your project’s pom.xml

Apache Commons IO If there is a commons-io library in the project, we can use the IOUtils.toInputStream to do the same conversion. Review the IOUtils.toInputStream source code, it is using the same ByteArrayInputStream to convert a String to an InputStream.

Note that the second parameter (i.e. Charsets.UTF_8) for the InputStreamReader isn’t necessary, but it is generally a good idea to specify the encoding if you know it (which you should!) This is the best pure Java solution that fits perfectly for Android and any other JVM.

finally – we use the CharSource to read it as a String. A simpler way of doing the conversion with Guava, but the stream needs to be explicitly closed; luckily, we can simply use the try-with-resources syntax to take care of that:? InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream (originalString.getBytes ()); 3. Converting With Apache Commons IO