What should the default color be in jQuery calendar?

What should the default color be in jQuery calendar?

If you include jQuery UI CSS then it will take the default color. You can use your own theme colors, however, here we will show how easy it is to create a jQuery date calendar: You can see the default calendar shows the current month with next and previous icons with the grayish theme.

How to colorize each event in jQuery calendar?

The problem here is that each event might be split in different weeks (like in the example) and each week has a different DOM event (which makes sense) and they don’t have any related class, How can I color each event differently? To colorize each event differently there are a couple approaches you can take to tackle your problem.

How to create a datepicker calendar in jQuery?

A basic jQuery datepicker example In its simplest, you can create a calendar in jQuery by creating a text field and just call it by ID in script area as shown below. If you include jQuery UI CSS then it will take the default color. You can use your own theme colors, however, here we will show how easy it is to create a jQuery date calendar:

How to group events by color in full calendar?

Separate and update the event feeds to use eventSources. Which allows you to group events by color and text color. http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_data/events_array/.

The problem here is that each event might be split in different weeks (like in the example) and each week has a different DOM event (which makes sense) and they don’t have any related class, How can I color each event differently? To colorize each event differently there are a couple approaches you can take to tackle your problem.

Which is the best plugin for a jQuery calendar?

Tiva Events Calendar is plugin which help you to display all events on calendar. It is very flexible and easy to install and integrate into your website. You can create events in json file or feed from your database via php file (Ajax). With nice popup, user can quick-view event for each day, view event list and event detail.

Separate and update the event feeds to use eventSources. Which allows you to group events by color and text color. http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_data/events_array/.

How to change the color of an event?

If you want different colors for events then eventRender call back will be helpful. Assign a variable color to event object and then use that to change color of event. Now use this attribute to change color of event.