What is the purpose of segment Profile API?

What is the purpose of segment Profile API?

The Segment Profile API provides a single API to read user-level and account-level customer data. Segment now allows you to query the entire user or account object programmatically, including the external_ids , traits , and events that make up a user’s journey through your product.

How to use Google Analytics API in PHP?

Inside GA_Service::accounts we create a new Google_AnalyticsService with our authorized client and then query the API for the list of accounts. In this case the result is an array, but the API also makes use of objects, we just need to specify that inside our GA_Service::init function. In the following examples, I’m going to use array results.

How to get data from Google Analytics V3?

To grab the list of available metadata you can simply use curl to query data from the following url https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/metadata/ga/columns. Google Analytics gives us an etag attribute that can be used for caching the response so that we don’t have to query the API on every request.

How does the core Reporting API work in Google Analytics?

The Core Reporting API provides access to the tabular data in Google Analytics standard and custom reports. To access data, you create a query that specifies: the view (profile), the start and end dates, and the dimensions and metrics that make up the column headers in the table.

How do I request a segment in Google Analytics?

You can request a segment in the Core Reporting API by using the Id of a built-in or custom segment. All available segments for a user can be retrieved with the list method of the Segments collection in the Google Analytics Management API. For each segment, the Id is available in the id property of the Segment resource.

Where can I find the ID of a segment?

Segments by Id. You can request a segment in the Core Reporting API by using the Id of a built-in or custom segment. All available segments for a user can be retrieved with the list method of the Segments collection in the Google Analytics Management API. For each segment, the Id is available in the id property of the Segment resource.

How are pageviews reported in Google Analytics API?

E.g., ga:pageviews and ga:transactions can be reported at SESSION and USER level by just adding them up for each hit that occurs in those sessions or for those users. You can specify the scope for each metric condition, which will determine the level at which that condition is applied.

How to request segment in core Reporting API?

When using the segmentation feature of the Core Reporting API you can you can request a segment in the Core Reporting API in two ways: Segments by Id: Query using the numeric Id of a built-in or custom segment.