What is the origin of a nestedservletexception?

What is the origin of a nestedservletexception?

People do that for multiple reasons (some of them mentioned here ). As you can see in the stack trace the root exception is a nullpointer exception. So basically your NestedServletException is nothing but a NullpointerException that is caught & thrown again at some point, but wrapped up in a ServletException.

What does a nested exception in Java mean?

Nested Exceptions are exceptions wrapped up in another exception. People do that for multiple reasons (some of them mentioned here ). As you can see in the stack trace the root exception is a nullpointer exception.

Why is servlet.service ( ) throwing an exception?

SEVERE: Servlet.service () for servlet [SpringMVC] in context with path [/MavenSandbox] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartException: The current request is not a multipart request] with root cause at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service (HttpServlet.java:650)

What are the dependencies for Spring Boot starter?

1. Maven Dependencies The spring-boot-starter-test dependency includes all required dependencies to create and execute tests. If not using spring boot then include following dependencies. 2. Test Class Configuration A JUnit test class to test the Spring MVC controller request and responses, we can use below given configuration.

People do that for multiple reasons (some of them mentioned here ). As you can see in the stack trace the root exception is a nullpointer exception. So basically your NestedServletException is nothing but a NullpointerException that is caught & thrown again at some point, but wrapped up in a ServletException.

Nested Exceptions are exceptions wrapped up in another exception. People do that for multiple reasons (some of them mentioned here ). As you can see in the stack trace the root exception is a nullpointer exception.

When to throw an exception in the Servlet?

Constructs a new servlet exception when the servlet needs to throw an exception and include a message about the “root cause” exception that interfered with its normal operation. The exception’s message is based on the localized message of the underlying exception.

How does Spring Boot exception handler in mockmvc work?

This only works if your Exception is annotated with @ResponseStatus as, then, the ResponseStatusExceptionResolver handles the exception. If the Exception is not annotated, then, it is thrown encapsulated inside a NestedServletException.