What is the latest version of PHP in 2020?

What is the latest version of PHP in 2020?

Release history

Version Release date Supported until
7.2 30 November 2017 30 November 2020
7.3 6 December 2018 6 December 2021
7.4 28 November 2019 28 November 2022
8.0 26 November 2020 26 November 2023

Is it possible to parse a PHP file?

Now I should point out that this only happened after I modified the config file to allow a UserDir in my /home/public_html. With the default configuration in folder /var/www php files parsed just fine, and still do, so long as I gave myself root access or modify their permisssions.

How to check / modify the PHP authorization files?

With the default configuration in folder /var/www php files parsed just fine, and still do, so long as I gave myself root access or modify their permisssions. And I didn’t change anything else in the config file. So, my question is, how do I check/modify the php authorization files?

Why does lamp not parse a PHP page?

So I’ve installed LAMP on an Ubuntu machine for some php development and everything is working fine except instead of parsing and displaying php pages, the browser is asking me if I want to download them. I know this is a well documented issue, and I’ve already been to the Ubuntu page concerning it, and gone through all the potential causes.

How is PHP parsed and interpreted by Apache?

So, the PHP is parsed and interpreted via the CLI, but not by Apache. I have confirmed that index.php and its parent file structure are owned by apache:apache and that the selinux context of the apache modules : are correct.

How to fix Apache 2 not executing PHP files?

To restart Apache, go back to the terminal window and issue the command: You should now be able to point a browser to a PHP file and watch it execute properly, as opposed to saving to your local drive or displaying code in your browser. That’s it–Apache 2 should be functioning exactly as you need. I warned you this would be a simple fix.

How to add a PHP file to Apache?

If I recall correctly (I haven’t used Apache for a while) – you need an AddHandler directive to have it associate the PHP file with the PHP parser. The AddType directive is more for setting the mime-type sent to the browser. Try adding: AddHandler php5-script .php after your AddType directive.

Is there a way to fix Apache 2?

Considering this is an easy fix, there’s no reason to avoid working with PHP and Apache 2. But how do you fix it? Let me show you. Note: I demonstrate this process on Ubuntu Server 16.04, running the latest releases of Apache 2 and PHP.