What can I add to my website using JavaScript?

What can I add to my website using JavaScript?

Here are some basic things JavaScript is used for:

  1. Adding interactive behavior to web pages. JavaScript allows users to interact with web pages.
  2. Creating web and mobile apps.
  3. Building web servers and developing server applications.
  4. Game development.

Where do you put JavaScript in a HTML page?

Users can also define JavaScript code in the <body> tag (or we can say body section) or <head> tag because it completely depends on the structure of the web page that the users use. We can understand this more clearly with the help of an example, how to add JavaScript to html

How to attach a file to an email?

The attachfile calls the NetSuite API record.attach. Since the record.attach does not support having an array of files, the only different thing we’re doing is calling this API multiple times while supplying a different file id. Attaching files to an email is done by calling file.load and supplying the result to the email.send API.

Do you need to add JavaScript to your WordPress site?

If you want to enhance your WordPress site’s front-end functionality, you’ll need to add JavaScript to your site—whether you’re using a third-party library or a custom script.

What kind of file is a JavaScript file?

JavaScript files are common text files with (.js) extensions such as we created and used in the above program. External JavaScript file only contains JavaScript code and nothing else, even the <script>…. </script>tag are also not used in it.

Where to put JavaScript in a HTML file?

Depending on where you add the code the JavaScript in your HTML file, the loading will differ. The recommended practice is to add it in the section so that it stays separated from the actual content of your HTML file. But placing it in the can improve loading speed,…

Where do you Put your files on a web server?

Our example host instructions told us “To publish on the web, put your files into the Public/htdocs directory.” You need to navigate to the specified directory in your right pane. This directory is effectively the root of your website — where your index.html file and other assets will go.

How to insert a style sheet into a website?

There are three ways of inserting a style sheet: External CSS. With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire website by changing just one file! Each HTML page must include a reference to the external style sheet file inside the element, inside the head section.

How to upload a file to your website?

Uploading the File. The first line $target = “upload/”; is where you assign the folder where files are uploaded. As you can see in the second line, this folder is relative to the upload.php file. If your file is at www.yours.com/files/upload.php, then it would upload files to www.yours.com/files/upload/yourfile.gif.