What are the features of the serializer library?

What are the features of the serializer library?

This library allows you to (de-)serialize data of any complexity. Currently, it supports XML and JSON. It also provides you with a rich tool-set to adapt the output to your specific needs. Built-in features include: (De-)serialize data of any complexity; circular references are handled gracefully. Integrates with Doctrine ORM, et. al.

Which is the default format for JMS serializer?

(*) If the standalone jms/serializer is used then default format is DateTime::ISO8601 (which is not compatible with ISO-8601 despite the name). For jms/serializer-bundle the default format is DateTime::ATOM (the real ISO-8601 format) but it can be changed in configuration.

How to deserialize objects in the NewtonSoft library?

If you class is in a project that already references the NewtonsoftJson library you could just add the JsonPropertyAttribute to the property and it will deserialize correctly. Option 1 is not my first choice, you have to keep track of all properties that aren’t in the constructor and your project needs to have the Newtonsoft library as dependency.

How to deserialize an object back to a person?

Now that the object has been serialized we now want to deserialize the string back into a Person Type and this is where the problem starts. Using the below code will take the jsonString and convert it back into a Person object.

What’s the difference between serializing and deserializing JSON?

Serializing to UTF-8 is about 5-10% faster than using the string-based methods. The difference is because the bytes (as UTF-8) don’t need to be converted to strings (UTF-16). By default, all public properties are serialized. You can specify properties to exclude.

What do you need to know about serializer library?

This library allows you to (de-)serialize data of any complexity. Currently, it supports XML and JSON. It also provides you with a rich tool-set to adapt the output to your specific needs.

(*) If the standalone jms/serializer is used then default format is DateTime::ISO8601 (which is not compatible with ISO-8601 despite the name). For jms/serializer-bundle the default format is DateTime::ATOM (the real ISO-8601 format) but it can be changed in configuration.

When to use serialized name annotation in serializer?

If this is not defined, the property will be translated from camel-case to a lower-cased underscored name, e.g. camelCase -> camel_case. Note that this annotation is not used when you?re using any other naming strategy than the default configuration (which includes the SerializedNameAnnotationStrategy ).