Is it bad to have a large table in Postgres?

Is it bad to have a large table in Postgres? Typically, the data in this table tracks events in an application or is analogous to an application log. Having a table of this size isn’t a problem in and of itself, but can lead to other issues; query performance can start to degrade and indexes […]

Why does scanf not return when hit Space?

Why does scanf not return when hit Space? The first scanf () doesn’t return when a user has hit space, even though that’s where the number ends (because at that point the line is still in the terminal’s line buffer); and the second scanf () doesn’t wait for you to enter another line (because the […]

How do you show float to 2 decimal places in Python?

How do you show float to 2 decimal places in Python? In Python, to print 2 decimal places we will use str. format() with “{:. 2f}” as string and float as a number. Call print and it will print the float with 2 decimal places. How do you make Python only have 2 decimal places? […]

How do you make a stop watch?

How do you make a stop watch? const timer = document. getElementById(‘stopwatch’); imports the timer ‘div’ as a variable, using it’s id, so we can modify it as we wish. var hr = 0; var min = 0; var sec = 0; we are creating the hour, minute and second variables and we are declaring […]

How to capitalize the first letter of a word in SED?

How to capitalize the first letter of a word in SED? How do you replace the first letter of a word into Capital letter, e.g. Use the following sed command for capitalizing the first letter of the each word. The -r switch tells sed to use extended regular expressions. How to use sed to substitute […]

Which is the first parameter in the Solr query?

Which is the first parameter in the Solr query? The first and only parameter we used was q which is the box for search terms, and we gave it *.* to return all records. Now, shift your focus to the right side of the Query tab. At the top is the request URL that when […]

How do I install Android apps on another device?

How do I install Android apps on another device? On Android Visit the Google Play store from your computer and log in using the Google account that’s associated with your phone. Next, find the app that you want to install and go to its information page, then press the Install button for that app. Select […]

Why is Heroku failing to find the dist directory?

Why is Heroku failing to find the dist directory? Heroku is failing to find the dist directory, because it is not part of your committed repository. The dist directory has been added to the .gitignore file. It’s generally a bad idea to commit the dist directory, so we should generate it on Heroku. Thanks for […]

What do you need to know about grizzly server?

What do you need to know about grizzly server? If SSL/TLS is enabled, an SSLEngineConfigurator will need to be specified by the developer. This controls how the SSLEngine will be created. Specifies, in bytes, the maximum size an http message header may be before being rejected. This configuration is only applicable to incoming requests. How […]

How do you hide the Home button on Vivo?

How do you hide the Home button on Vivo? Press Menu button on the left of Home button, select Hide icon; 2. Tap the app icon you would like to hide, then it will disappear from the screen. How do I change my hidden app password? Go to Settings>(Security)Fingerprints and passwords>Privacy and app encryption>click Forget […]