How to convert Python datetime to epoch with strftime?

How to convert Python datetime to epoch with strftime? To convert python datetime to epoch with strftime you’d need to provide the strftime function with a formatting string that contains the code for formatting the date as seconds since epoch. The %s directive is used for this purpose. For example, How is the strftime function […]

How to convert BigDecimal object to double in Java?

How to convert BigDecimal object to double in Java? The java.math.BigDecimal.doubleValue () is an in-built function which converts the BigDecimal object to a double. This function converts the BigDecimal to Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY or Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY as appropriate or according to the passed object, if its magnitude is too big to be represented as a double. Is the […]

Is it acceptable to open a modal popup on top of another modal?

Is it acceptable to open a modal popup on top of another modal? Using a modal on top of another modal is a big red flag that something broke down in your workflow. If your workflow requires a second modal, you probably have some bigger issues with complexity within your modal. Remember: some of the […]

How to count number of columns in Oracle 10g?

How to count number of columns in Oracle 10g? I use oracle 10g and I want to develop a J2EE application to count the number of columns of different tables. SELECT table_name, count (*) FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name = ‘…’; How does the count ( ) function in Oracle work? For example, the following statement […]

Does Golang have memory management?

Does Golang have memory management? Go supports automatic memory management, such as automatic memory allocation and automatic garbage collection, which avoids many lurking bugs. Memory block is a continuous memory segment and memory blocks may have different sizes. In Go, memory block may host multiple value such as struct, array and Slice etc. Is Golang […]

What is c# TimeSpan?

What is c# TimeSpan? C# TimeSpan struct represents a time interval that is difference between two times measured in number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds. C# TimeSpan is used to compare two C# DateTime objects to find the difference between two dates. How do you write a TimeSpan? The following example initializes a TimeSpan […]

What are the features of the serializer library?

What are the features of the serializer library? This library allows you to (de-)serialize data of any complexity. Currently, it supports XML and JSON. It also provides you with a rich tool-set to adapt the output to your specific needs. Built-in features include: (De-)serialize data of any complexity; circular references are handled gracefully. Integrates with […]

When does the session ID cookie get removed?

When does the session ID cookie get removed? I just want to point out that the Session ID cookie is not removed when using Session.Abandon as others said. When you abandon a session, the session ID cookie is not removed from the browser of the user. What is the lifetime for a session cookie? Importantly, […]

What is the purpose of WebSocket in Java?

What is the purpose of WebSocket in Java? WebSocket provides an alternative to the limitation of efficient communication between the server and the web browser by providing bi-directional, full-duplex, real-time client/server communications. The server can send data to the client at any time. What are the two message types in WebSocket? Message Types The WebSocket […]

How do I reduce the pixel size of a photo?

How do I reduce the pixel size of a photo? Resample an image Choose Image > Resize > Image Size. Select Resample Image, and choose an interpolation method: Nearest Neighbor. To maintain the current aspect ratio, select Constrain Proportions. In Pixel Dimensions, enter values for Width and Height. Click OK to change the pixel dimensions […]