Is there a way to zoom in on Firefox?

Is there a way to zoom in on Firefox?

Although the zoom style is there, Firefox still does not support it sadly. Also, this is slightly different than your zoom. The css transform works like an image zoom, so it will enlarge your page but not cause reflow, etc. Edit updated the transform origin.

Which is the only browser that does not support Zoom?

Firefox is the only major browser that does not support Zoom ( bugzilla item here) but you could use the “proprietary” -moz-transform property in Firefox 3.5. David, that reference is very out of date – look at the the browser versions it lists. CSS Zoom is supported in all current major browsers except Firefox.

What happens when you zoom in on a web page?

The trouble, in a sense, is that the media queries don’t adjust to the change in size. When we go up in size, the media queries should adjust accordingly so that the effect at the same place would happen before the size change, relative to the content. To find inspiration, let’s see how the native browser zoom feature handles the problem:

Can a page fill the entire screen of Firefox?

This website sets a maximum to the width of the content and won’t fill the entire width of the Firefox window (monitor screen). If you zoom the page using full page zoom then all content gets larger, but you already wrote that you do not want this. Pages from the MozillaZine knowledge base should fill the entire screen estate.

How to detect page zoom level in all modern Firefox?

Firefox stores the page zoom level for future access. On the first page load, would I be able to get the zoom level? Somewhere I read it works when a zoom change occurs after the page is loaded. Is there a way to trap the ‘zoom’ event? I need this because some of my calculations are pixel-based and they may fluctuate when zoomed.

How can i Zoom an HTML element in Firefox and opera?

Define font-size for body, that is inherited by other elements. if any condition occurs that shall fire zoom other than 1.0 change the font-size for tag (via CSS or JS). This makes equivalent of zoom:0.5 without problems in JS with clientX and positioning during drag-drop events. Don’t use “rem” in media queries.

How to prevent browser zooming in JavaScript?

For a map-like tool, I would like to disable the browser zooming feature. (I know that this is generally a bad idea, but for some specific website, it is needed). I did it successfully by listening the keyboard shortcut CTRL + / CTRL – and adding e.preventDefault (), etc. But this doesn’t prevent from changing the zoom from the browser’s Zoom menu.

Firefox is the only major browser that does not support Zoom ( bugzilla item here) but you could use the “proprietary” -moz-transform property in Firefox 3.5. David, that reference is very out of date – look at the the browser versions it lists. CSS Zoom is supported in all current major browsers except Firefox.