Is the crosshair on the X or y axis in highstock?

Is the crosshair on the X or y axis in highstock?

In Highstock, by default, the crosshair is enabled on the X axis and disabled on the Y axis. For a datetime axis, the scale will automatically adjust to the appropriate unit. This member gives the default string representations used for each unit.

How are the crosshairs styled in Highcharts stock?

In styled mode, the crosshairs are styled in the .highcharts-crosshair, .highcharts-crosshair-thin or .highcharts-xaxis-category classes. In Highcharts stock, by default, the crosshair is enabled on the X axis and disabled on the Y axis. For a datetime axis, the scale will automatically adjust to the appropriate unit.

How are ticks aligned on an axis in Xaxis?

Accessibility options for an axis. Requires the accessibility module. When using multiple axis, the ticks of two or more opposite axes will automatically be aligned by adding ticks to the axis or axes with the least ticks, as if tickAmount were specified. This can be prevented by setting alignTicks to false.

In Highstock, by default, the crosshair is enabled on the X axis and disabled on the Y axis. For a datetime axis, the scale will automatically adjust to the appropriate unit. This member gives the default string representations used for each unit.

In styled mode, the crosshairs are styled in the .highcharts-crosshair, .highcharts-crosshair-thin or .highcharts-xaxis-category classes. In Highcharts stock, by default, the crosshair is enabled on the X axis and disabled on the Y axis. For a datetime axis, the scale will automatically adjust to the appropriate unit.

When to use names instead of numbers in Xaxis?

If categories are present for the xAxis, names are used instead of numbers for that axis. Since Highcharts 3.0, categories can also be extracted by giving each point a nameand setting axis typeto category. However, if you have multiple series, best practice remains defining the categoriesarray.

How to create a category array in Xaxis?

xAxis.categories. If categories are present for the xAxis, names are used instead of numbers for that axis. Since Highcharts 3.0, categories can also be extracted by giving each point a name and setting axis type to category. However, if you have multiple series, best practice remains defining the categories array.

Is the x axis the vertical or horizontal axis?

The X axis or category axis. Normally this is the horizontal axis, though if the chart is inverted this is the vertical axis. In case of multiple axes, the xAxis node is an array of configuration objects. See the Axis class for programmatic access to the axis.

If categories are present for the xAxis, names are used instead of numbers for that axis. Since Highcharts 3.0, categories can also be extracted by giving each point a nameand setting axis typeto category. However, if you have multiple series, best practice remains defining the categoriesarray.

How do you change the axis in a chart?

In a chart, click to select the category axis that you want to change, or do the following to select the axis from a list of chart elements: Click anywhere in the chart. This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design and Format tabs.

Which is the horizontal axis of a chart?

The horizontal (category) axis, also known as the x axis, of a chart displays text labels instead of numeric intervals and provides fewer scaling options than are available for a vertical (value) axis, also known as the y axis, of the chart. However, you can specify the following axis options: