Is it acceptable to open a modal popup on top of another modal?

Is it acceptable to open a modal popup on top of another modal?

Using a modal on top of another modal is a big red flag that something broke down in your workflow. If your workflow requires a second modal, you probably have some bigger issues with complexity within your modal. Remember: some of the best use cases for modals are focused, simple content.

What should I do if modal 2 overlays on modal 1?

For any technical reason, if modal 2 overlays on modal 1, it should be seamless i.e. user shouldnt see two different modals. Closing modal 2 should close modal 1…imho.

When to use a modal in a post?

A good rule of thumb is that a modal should be used only when it’s content is focused or can be shown on it’s own page. Examples of this are Pinterest cards, Trello pins, or Behance posts. Notice that they’re all self-contained posts, which can be deep-linked to, but all use modals in-line to focus the user’s attention on one specific item.

Which is an example of a modal in line?

Examples of this are Pinterest cards, Trello pins, or Behance posts. Notice that they’re all self-contained posts, which can be deep-linked to, but all use modals in-line to focus the user’s attention on one specific item. The user doesn’t have to remember other items in order to interact with it. Is it consistent?

How does the view and controller depend on the model?

Both the view and the controller depend on the model. However, the model depends on neither the view nor the controller. This is one of the key benefits of the separation. This separation allows the model to be built and tested independent of the visual presentation.

What is the Model View Controller ( MVC ) pattern?

What is the MVC pattern? The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern separates an application into three main groups of components: Models, Views, and Controllers. This pattern helps to achieve separation of concerns.

Can a view controller be represented in a xib?

A view controller can be represented in a XIB, but so can a UIButton subclass. You can find the class name of a component by using the Identify Inspector in Xcode. An important concept in XIBs is that of the File’s Owner. The File’s Owner is the class that loads the XIB at runtime, such as a UIViewController subclass.

What does a view controller do in an app?

Every app has at least one view controller, but most apps have many more. A view controller typically manages a single User Interface (UI) or “screen” in your app. It also manages interactions between the UI and the underlying data, better known as models.

How to open modal popup from grid view?

There are two way to open the modal popup from grid view By using modal popup extender for every row and bind edit controls, but it will render edit control for every row while user may or may not edit any record from the grid view so it’s not good practice to render edit control for every row, it can slow down the page performance

Why does use a modal popup?

With the modal popup, it is a good way to hide what is not required for the user to see, until the specific action is performed, but because the modal popup is placed within the page it self, just not displaying, if there are drop down list, grids that need to be binded in… Home About Useful Sites Lisa’s Blog Entries RSS| Comments RSS