How to use htmlformatter in pygments.formatters?

How to use htmlformatter in pygments.formatters?

To use HtmlFormatter, import it from pygments.formatters and then instantiate it as follows: Finally, the last step is to call the highlight () function from the pygments package. The highlight () function puts everything together and returns the highlighted output. It takes three arguments, the code to highlight, lexer and the formatter.

Where do I put the configuration file in Jekyll?

Configuration Jekyll gives you a lot of flexibility to customize how it builds your site. These options can either be specified in a _config.yml or _config.toml file placed in your site’s root directory, or can be specified as flags for the jekyll executable in the terminal.

Where is the syntax highlighting file in Jekyll?

My Jekyll website have the _syntax-highlighting.scss file located in _scss directory. This file contains the default style sheet for syntax highlighter. If your website don’t have this file, then find out which file is responsible for the syntax highlighting, or do the following.

How to create a CSS style using Pygments?

Another way to create CSS styles is to use pygments as a command line tool. For example: This command will create the CSS styles for the default style. The -S option specifies the style and -f option specifies the formatter. We can also specify the top-level class using -a option:

To use HtmlFormatter, import it from pygments.formatters and then instantiate it as follows: Finally, the last step is to call the highlight () function from the pygments package. The highlight () function puts everything together and returns the highlighted output. It takes three arguments, the code to highlight, lexer and the formatter.

Where do I find the styles in Pygments?

Pygments comes with some builtin styles that work for both the HTML and LaTeX formatter. The builtin styles can be looked up with the get_style_by_name function: You can pass a instance of a Style class to a formatter as the style option in form of a string:

When to use outencoding when using Pygments?

When using Pygments from the command line, any encoding option given is passed to the lexer and the formatter. This is sometimes not desirable, for example if you want to set the input encoding to “guess” . Therefore, outencoding has been introduced which overrides encoding for the formatter if given.

How to use Pygments to highlight a code snippet?

To install Pygments enter the following command: To highlight a code snippet using Pygments we follow these steps: Select lexer. Select the output format. Call the highlight () function. Let’s go through each step in detail. A lexer is a program which performs the lexical analysis.