How to specify height of select drop down?

How to specify height of select drop down?

Hi, Is there a way I can specify the visible number of displayed items in a select drop down. i.e. for situations where there are a large number of items, so the height is limited and scroll bars are displayed Regards. Ok, cool. Please insert min. 20 characters.

How to create a dropdown menu in CSS?

1. Create a multi-level header navigation from a nested nav list as follows: 2. The CSS styles for the regular dropdown menu. 3. The CSS styles for the toggle menu. 4. The core JavaScript to enable the toggle button to open/close the menu when running on small screens.

What do you need to know about height in jQuery?

If only a number is provided for the value, jQuery assumes a pixel unit. If a string is provided, however, a valid CSS measurement must be provided for the height (such as 100px, 50%, or auto). Note that in modern browsers, the CSS height property does not include padding, border, or margin.

How to create a responsive header dropdown menu?

A responsive dropdown menu for header navigation that utilizes CSS3 media queries to detect the screen size and collapses horizontal menu items into a fullscreen sliding toggle menu when the maximum screen width is reached. 1. Create a multi-level header navigation from a nested nav list as follows:

How to display div elements using dropdown menu in jQuery?

.css () method: This method in JQuery is used to change style property of the selected element. Selector name for dropdown menu is same as the element which is used to display the content. Find the selected element from list using .find () method. Now check for the element which element is selected.

When to use the jQuery height ( ) method?

The jQuery height () method can be used to get or set the height of the selected element. It can be useful when you want to check the height of the elements. If the element already has a height, it overwrites the height with the specified height value. It will not check the padding, border, and margin of the selected element.

How to check the inner height of an element in jQuery?

Return value : It returns height of the selected element. jQuery also include innerHeight () method i.e, it used to check inner height of the element including padding. Parameters: This function do not accept any parameter. Return value: It returns the inner height of the selected element. msg += “Inner Height of div: ” + $ (“#demo”).

What should be the height of the drop down menu in CSS?

You can also use css to set the height of the select2-results (the drop down portion of the select control). 200px is the default height, so change it for the desired height of the drop down.