How to fix Telerik UI design time error?

How to fix Telerik UI design time error?

If you reference NoXaml, use Implicit Styles. Close all .xaml tabs in Visual Studio. Close Visual Studio. Clear Visual Studio designer’s cache. To do this, go to the following directory: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\Designer\ShadowCache. Then delete all subfolders.

What’s the difference between Telerik UI and XAML?

Xaml vs. NoXaml. Telerik UI for WPF comes with two types of assemblies – Xaml and NoXaml. This article will describe the difference and help you to choose a version. Let’s start with that both types of dlls contain the same source code. The only difference is that the Xaml assemblies embeds also all styles of the controls.

Why are my Telerik controls not showing up?

After playing with references in your project, you may end up seeing your beloved Telerik controls in this annoying error box: Failed to create designer ‘Telerik.Web.UI.RadDopDownList…’ This root cause of this issue is that a mismatch between the Telerik DLLs you referenced and the Telerik controls you have in your page.

How to set control UI theme in XAML?

Using Xaml dlls allows you to set up your project a bit easier and set the controls UI theme very easily by setting a single property. Read more about this in the Setting a Theme article. Application theme change at run-time is supported only by the NoXaml assemblies and Implicit Styles theming mechanism.

How to create designer’telerik.web.ui.radgrid?

1. adding Telerik.Web.UI.dll in the GAC and then. 2. removed Telerik.Web>UI.dll from bin folders. 3. there is the required Telerik.Web.UI assembly and Telerik.Web.Design in web.config. I also created another project and used Telerik RadHtnkChart control, worked in the beginning and started giving errors “could not load type “.

If you reference NoXaml, use Implicit Styles. Close all .xaml tabs in Visual Studio. Close Visual Studio. Clear Visual Studio designer’s cache. To do this, go to the following directory: %LOCALAPPDATA%\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\14.0\\Designer\\ShadowCache. Then delete all subfolders.

Which is the main menu item in radmenu?

RadMenuItem is the main menu item in RadMenu. It is used for the top-level menu and each RadMenuItem can have other RadMenuItems as children in order to create sub-menus. Its Header property accepts plain text as well as other objects, it can be set the following ways: You can also set an Icon of RadMenuItem which is done by its Icon property.

Where do I find the Telerik reporting assemblies?

During the installation of Telerik Reporting on your machine, the Telerik Reporting assemblies were added to GAC. When deploying a Web Application project the assemblies from the GAC are not copied automatically, so you need to make sure the assemblies physically exist in the bin folder of your application.