How to find the JIRA issues you worked on last week?

How to find the JIRA issues you worked on last week?

Note: The default Jira setup is for weeks to run Sunday – Monday. If you want to find issues worked on between Monday – Sunday replace -7 with -6 This second query looks for issues that were assigned to the user at some point in the previous week The second half excludes issues that were in certain statuses.

How to find all issues you worked on last week?

There are simple ways of getting a list of all issues you worked on last week. In this post, we show how to use JQL to all issues that you might have worked on last week.

Is it too much work to use stratejos?

If this sounds like too much work stratejos can Slack you that list of issues you’ve worked on each week (or month or day) instead. Start your free trial of stratejos to try it out.

Note: The default Jira setup is for weeks to run Sunday – Monday. If you want to find issues worked on between Monday – Sunday replace -7 with -6 This second query looks for issues that were assigned to the user at some point in the previous week The second half excludes issues that were in certain statuses.

What does a Jira backlog and an epic mean?

A kanban board allows teams to visualize the flow of work and limit work in progress. A backlog contains outstanding issues for a team to work on. An epic represents a large body of work, which may require several sprints to complete. Multiple user stories comprise an epic. A Jira issue represents a single piece of work in a project.

What kind of use cases can Jira be used for?

But today, Jira has evolved into a powerful work management tool for all kinds of use cases, from requirements and test case management to agile software development. In this guide, you’ll learn which features and functionalities of Jira can help your team with your unique needs. This guide is for Jira Software Cloud.

What can a Jira query language be used for?

Advanced search uses Jira Query Language (JQL) to search for specific criteria in issues that can’t be done in quick or basic searches. Utilize permissions to grant team members different levels of access and to lock down sensitive information.

Where do I find the resolution field in Jira?

Select your the Done transition and Click Edit. Select the Resolve Issue Screen for the Screen field. By Default, JIRA comes with a ‘Resolve Issue Screen’. You can certainly use your own Custom Screen, however note, it is very important that the Resolution Field is only visible on a “Resolve Issue” type screen.

What’s the difference between closed and resolved in Jira?

The simple answer is that this all comes down to Jira’s flexibility. You can use the Closed and Resolved Jira workflow statuses however you want – we’ll discuss that below. Note, however that reaching a Resolved or Closed (or Completed, or Done, etc.) status, is different from setting an issue’s resolution field.

When to set a post function in Jira?

If you’re confident that issues that make it to the end of your Jira workflow will have been resolved in the most desirable way – DONE, you can set a post function to set the resolution once an issue has transitioned to the final status in your workflow.

Is there a Jira gadget for tracking due dates for issues?

Solved: Is there a JIRA Gadget for tracking due dates for Is there a JIRA Gadget for tracking due dates for issues? I want to be able to have the user see on the dashboard issues that are “Past Due”, “Due This Week”, and “Due in Two Weeks”. Is there any way that this is possible with the gadgets already provided to me in JIRA Software?

How to query jira to search for all issues that?

You have all sorts of control with queries. For example, here is how I check for my tickets that are on hold that I have not updated in the last 5 days. So, you want to see all issues where (Resolved date-Create Date) < 1 day Or 2 days, or 3 days.

Select your the Done transition and Click Edit. Select the Resolve Issue Screen for the Screen field. By Default, JIRA comes with a ‘Resolve Issue Screen’. You can certainly use your own Custom Screen, however note, it is very important that the Resolution Field is only visible on a “Resolve Issue” type screen.

How to resolve a resolve issue in Jira?

Click Edit under Actions for your workflow Select your the Done transition and Click Edit Select the Resolve Issue Screen for the Screen field By Default, JIRA comes with a ‘Resolve Issue Screen’