How to disconnect specific slot from all signals?

How to disconnect specific slot from all signals?

There is an option: @QObject::disconnect (receiver, SLOT (slot ()));@ but this connects only the signals in the current object. I want to disconnect ALL signals, without knowing the objects that are connected to the slot. Any ideas?

How to connect a static signal to a dynamic slot?

The connectDynamicSlot()function connects a static signal declared in an arbitrary QObjectinstance to a dynamic slot in the current DynamicQObjectinstance. The function takes a pointer to the sender object (the receiver is always this) and the signatures of the signal and slot. The function returns falseon error.

How are callbacks resolved by signals and slots?

The limitations of callbacks are partly resolved by the signal and slot architecture that Qt uses. The idea is that all objects can emit signals. When a button is clicked, for example, it emits a “clicked ()” signal.

Is it possible to connect signals to multiple slots?

It is possible to connect one signal to multiple slots, and to connect slots consecutively. For instance, one event activates its slot and related subsequent events trigger another signal and the code in its slot to be executed.

There is an option: @QObject::disconnect (receiver, SLOT (slot ()));@ but this connects only the signals in the current object. I want to disconnect ALL signals, without knowing the objects that are connected to the slot. Any ideas?

The connectDynamicSlot()function connects a static signal declared in an arbitrary QObjectinstance to a dynamic slot in the current DynamicQObjectinstance. The function takes a pointer to the sender object (the receiver is always this) and the signatures of the signal and slot. The function returns falseon error.

How to disconnect a signal with a slot temporarily in Qt?

There are many ways to call disconnect, depending on exactly what you want disconnected. See the QObject documentation page for an explanation of how they work. Here’s an example using 0 to mean “disconnect all slots.” Or you can specify the exact signal-slot pair to disconnect by copying your ‘connect’ syntax, like this:

Can a signal be connected to more than one slot?

You can connect as many signals as you want to a single slot, and a signal can be connected to as many slots as you need. It is even possible to connect a signal directly to another signal. (This will emit the second signal immediately whenever the first is emitted.) Together, signals and slots make up a powerful component programming mechanism.