How to create audio stream in Android NDK?

How to create audio stream in Android NDK?

Request that AAudio call this function if any error occurs or the stream is disconnected. Request a sample data format, for example AAUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_I16. Set the requested data callback buffer size in frames. Set the input (capture) preset for the stream. Declare the name of the package creating the stream.

What does the text mean in Android NDK?

The text is the ASCII symbol corresponding to the stream state, or an English message saying the state is unrecognized. Create a StreamBuilder that can be used to open a Stream. Audio data will travel into the device, for example from a microphone. Audio data will travel out of the device, for example through a speaker.

Which is the best audio library for Android?

Note: Developers should consider using the open source Oboe library which is available on GitHub. Oboe is a C++ wrapper that provides an API that closely resembles AAudio. It calls AAudio when it is available, and falls back to OpenSL ES if AAudio is not available.

What is the maximum range of audio data?

The nominal range of the data is [-1.0f, 1.0f). Values outside that range may be clipped. See also ‘floatData’ at (float [],%20int,%20int,%20int) This format uses the int16_t data type. The maximum range of the data is -32768 to 32767.

Request that AAudio call this function if any error occurs or the stream is disconnected. Request a sample data format, for example AAUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_I16. Set the requested data callback buffer size in frames. Set the input (capture) preset for the stream. Declare the name of the package creating the stream.

How to build a streaming app for Android?

But streaming can be complicated, even for experienced developers. In this video, Justin shows how to build a playback app using the GoCoder SDK for Android. This free tool simplifies mobile app development by offering a common, cross-platform API to capture, encode, and stream live video.

The text is the ASCII symbol corresponding to the stream state, or an English message saying the state is unrecognized. Create a StreamBuilder that can be used to open a Stream. Audio data will travel into the device, for example from a microphone. Audio data will travel out of the device, for example through a speaker.

Can a live audio stream be sent to Java?

I started off with sending the live audio between two android devices to confirm my method was correct. The audio could be heard perfectly with barely any delay on the receiving device. Next I send the same audio stream to a small Java program and I verified that the data was being sent here correctly too.