How to create a forum table in DynamoDB?

How to create a forum table in DynamoDB?

Create the Forum Table Open the DynamoDB console at Choose Create Table. In the Create DynamoDB table screen, do the following: In the Table name field, type Forum. When the settings are as you want them, choose Create.

When to declare attributes in attrubutedefinitions in DynamoDB?

Declare attributes in AttrubuteDefinitions only if you are going to use the attribute in KeySchema when those attributes are going to be used in GlobalSecondaryIndexes or LocalSecondaryIndexes Lets say you have 3 attributes -> id, status, createdAt.

How to create a DynamoDB object in AWS?

Returns a collection of tables (initialized with the respective table names) up to the specified maxResultSize associated with the current account and endpoint, starting with a name after the specified exclusiveStartTableName. Shuts down and release all resources. Create a DynamoDB object that talks to the specified AWS region.

How to perform a batch write operation in DynamoDB?

Used to perform a batch write operation to DynamoDB with full parameter specification. Used to perform a batch write operation to DynamoDB. Used to perform a batch write operation for the unprocessed items returned from a previous batch write operation. Creates the specified table in DynamoDB. Creates the specified table in DynamoDB.

Do you have to have attributes in DynamoDB?

Well, you don’t need to specify any non-key attributes. You can put an item with any attribute later (must include the keys of course). From the documentation page, the AttributeDefinitions is defined as: An array of attributes that describe the key schema for the table and indexes.

Which is the primary key in DynamoDB table?

The primary key includes the Album attribute as the hash key and Artist attribute as the range key. The table also includes two global and one secondary index. For querying the number of sales for a given artist, the global secondary index uses the Sales attribute as the hash key and the Artist attribute as the range key.

How is a collection created in DynamoDB?

Creates the specified table in DynamoDB. Returns a collection of all the tables (initialized with the respective table names) associated with the current account and endpoint. The underlying collection is paginated with a page size of 100. A network call is made whenever the collection is iterated across a page boundary.

Returns a collection of tables (initialized with the respective table names) up to the specified maxResultSize associated with the current account and endpoint, starting with a name after the specified exclusiveStartTableName. Shuts down and release all resources. Create a DynamoDB object that talks to the specified AWS region.