How to create a chart with multiple y axis?

How to create a chart with multiple y axis?

I think you could try multiple ChartArea’s, which allows you to arrange multiple plots in the same chart object. You can assign each Series to its own ChartArea. The MS Chart control has almost everything you will ever need as far as charting is concerned. Download the sample, run it and go to Chart Features > Axes > Multiple Y axis.

How to control two y axis in MS Excel?

PS : I’ve spent two nights awake messing with MS chart controls, trying to put two different Y axis on a Chart Area. I wanted to put two differently scaled series (same X scale, different Y Scales : one on the left for Series A , the other on the right for Series B).

How to create a line chart in Visual C #?

I’m trying to create a line chart in Visual C# and it is not working. I tried the code below, but it does not recognize the SeriesChartType.Line assignment.

Do you need to superimpose two y axis?

There was no need to superimpose two charts or anything! For using the second Y axis, there is no need for a second chart area. You can decide per serie which axis you want to use with the Series.YAxisType property. Take a look at the documentation on

I think you could try multiple ChartArea’s, which allows you to arrange multiple plots in the same chart object. You can assign each Series to its own ChartArea. The MS Chart control has almost everything you will ever need as far as charting is concerned. Download the sample, run it and go to Chart Features > Axes > Multiple Y axis.

How to add more y-axes to mschart with different series?

This calls for more axes. In fact there is one extra axis built-in, right there just for the asking: Each chart area can have a primary y-axis to the left and another one, called ‘ secondary ‘ AxisY2 to the right. You can enable it and associate one series to it: This is fine and works well.

PS : I’ve spent two nights awake messing with MS chart controls, trying to put two different Y axis on a Chart Area. I wanted to put two differently scaled series (same X scale, different Y Scales : one on the left for Series A , the other on the right for Series B).

Can a series have more than one Y-axis?

This means that those series with small ranges will get squashed. Here is an example: In addition to the unreadable y-values for all but the orange series we also see that there is only one axis title; if it applies to all series, ok; but if it doesn’t: best leave it out..