How to copy a signal from one group to another in MATLAB?

How to copy a signal from one group to another in MATLAB?

To copy a signal from one group and paste it into another group as a new signal: In Signal Builder, select the signal you want to copy. Select Edit > Copy. Select the group you want to paste the signal into. Select Edit > Paste. To copy a signal from one axis and paste it into another axis to replace its signal: Select the signal you want to copy.

How does MATLAB capture and respond to mouse clicks?

When an object captures and responds to a mouse click, the object: Executes its button down function in response to a mouse left-click — If the object defines a callback for the ButtonDownFcn property, MATLAB ® executes this callback.

How to get group summary statistics in MATLAB?

Group summary statistics for the groups of data in the vector or matrix X determined by the levels of group , returned as ngroups -by- ncols arrays. Here, ngroups is the number of unique values in the grouping variable, and ncols is the number of columns in X.

How to organize a column by group in MATLAB?

Each column of means has the group means for the corresponding column of X. [stats1,…,statsN] = grpstats (X,group,whichstats) returns column vectors or arrays with group values for the summary statistic types specified in whichstats.

How to do group summary computations in MATLAB?

B = groupsummary (A,groupvars,method) returns the computations according to the unique combinations of grouping vectors in groupvars when A is a vector or matrix. groupvars can be a column vector, matrix, or cell array of column vectors. B = groupsummary (A,groupvars,groupbins,method) bins the data according to groupbins.

How to capture multiple repeated groups in Ruby?

IMHO, a regular expression is not one of them. For instance in ruby I’d use something like str.split (“,”) or str.scan (/ [A-Z]+/) Just to provide additional example of paragraph 2 in the answer. I’m not sure how critical it is for you to get three groups in one match rather than three matches using one group. E.g., in groovy:

How are two group mean represented in MATLAB?

Each group mean is represented by a symbol, and the interval is represented by a line extending out from the symbol. Two group means are significantly different if their intervals are disjoint; they are not significantly different if their intervals overlap.

Can you capture multiple capture groups in regex?

You actually have one capture group that will match multiple times. Not multiple capture groups. As you can see, this will work for any number of matches. I know that my answer came late but it happens to me today and I solved it with the following approach: