How to check session status from client side using Ajax?

How to check session status from client side using Ajax?

In ASP.Net MVC we using Ajax each time to check session status from client side to server side, that is from Jquery to controller. For example when redirecting from one page to another page on button click check session status using Ajax. Step 1: Add class in model for checking session from client side as follows.

How to report progress in simple Ajax uploader?

In these browsers, Simple Ajax Uploader can mimic native progress tracking by retrieving progress updates from the server as files are uploading. Three server-side options are currently supported: (Nginx) The URL for reporting upload progress, as set by the module’s report_uploads directive in your Nginx configuration file.

How to set a session variable in Ajax?

[SOLVED] | DaniWeb AJAX setting session variables doesnt work. Im trying to set a session variable using AJAX but it doesnt seem to work:

How to track session upload progress in PHP?

PHP provides some additional directives to help fine-tune the behavior of session uploads you should be aware of. For example, session.upload_progress.cleanup, which is set to 1 by default, cleans up the extra session data immediately after the upload has finished. You need to be careful to avoid a potential race condition.

Why is PHP session upload progress written to session?

The web server’s request buffering has to be disabled for this to work properly, else PHP may see the file upload only once fully uploaded. Servers such as Nginx are known to buffer larger requests. The upload progress information is written to the session before any scripts are executed.

How to set session variables with JavaScript and Ajax?

This small app is comprised of one message box and two buttons. A message box is used to display the session status. The first button is used to SET / UNSET the SESSION variables. The second button is used to RELOAD the page to see the after-effect of the AJAX script. This is the initial state of the session, i.e., Inactive.

Why is there no upload progress in PHP?

Servers such as Nginx are known to buffer larger requests. The upload progress information is written to the session before any scripts are executed. Therefore changing the session name via ini_set () or session_name () will give a session without the upload progress information.

How are concurrent Ajax requests and session state blocking?

Take a look at the Microsoft Session State article bottom of the page called Concurrent Requests and Session State, let me sum it up: Only one request at a time may have Read/Write access to a particular session (as determined by session id cookie) at a time. R/W access is default