How is the JavaScript SDK used in the browser?

How is the JavaScript SDK used in the browser?

As mentioned in the introduction, using the new JavaScript SDK in the browser, a web app could be developed without any need to a server side backend. The new, two-tier architecture contains a third party, the Web Identity Federation, where the application user will authenticate and, after that, provides an access token to the user.

Is there an AWS SDK for JavaScript?

Note: You are viewing the documentation for an older major version of the AWS SDK for JavaScript (v2). The modular AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) is now General Available. For more information see the Developer Guide or API Reference. Constructs a service interface object. Each API operation is exposed as a function on service.

How does the PayPal SDK work in JavaScript?

The PayPal JavaScript SDK dynamically exposes objects and methods, based on components you are using. These components are configured in the components query string parameter in the URL you have included in the <script>.

Can a SDK be used on the server?

The SDK keeps the same methods and properties, making the code migration very simple from server side to client side. Let’s look at a code example of how to use the SDK:

How to secure API keys in client side JavaScript app?

The core client is just like any other API client – its provides a UI to interact with the back end API and is completely disconnected from the app logic. As such I need a way to uniquely identify it and prevent others from abusing the API keys.

Note: You are viewing the documentation for an older major version of the AWS SDK for JavaScript (v2). The modular AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) is now General Available. For more information see the Developer Guide or API Reference. Constructs a service interface object. Each API operation is exposed as a function on service.

Where are API keys stored in a JavaScript app?

With a JavaScript app all requests come from the client which is the same place where all the code is stored which means if you store your API key in a JavaScript web app you might as well just print it out in big bold letters across the homepage as the whole world now has access to it through their browser’s dev tools.

Can you use the JavaScript API in the browser?

You can use the JavaScript API in the browser and inside Node.js applications on the server. Introduces you to using JavaScript with AWS services and resources, both in browser scripts and in Node.js applications. Describes how to set up the SDK, connect to AWS services, and access AWS service features.