How does the update Boolean work in calayer?

How does the update Boolean work in calayer?

A Boolean indicating whether the layer contents must be updated when its bounds rectangle changes. Initiates the update process for a layer if it is currently marked as needing an update. Returns a Boolean indicating whether the layer has been marked as needing an update.

How to fade out content using gradients in iOS?

Add a UIScrollView to your storyboard with constraints to have it fill the view. Then add an empty UIView to the scroll view with constraints to fill the scroll view, but also with equal widths to the ViewController ‘s view. Then add the label to this view, also with constraints to fill that view with a little padding.

What does it mean to update a layer in calayer?

Replaces the specified sublayer with a different layer object. Marks the layer’s contents as needing to be updated. Marks the region within the specified rectangle as needing to be updated. A Boolean indicating whether the layer contents must be updated when its bounds rectangle changes.

How is calayer used to manage visual content?

It is always used as backing store for UIViews to manage visual content but it can be also used without views. If it was created by a view the view assigns itself as delegate for that layer and you should not change that. Every view have one root layer and every layer can contain many sublayers.

How does a calayer set bounds on a UIView?

When you set bounds on a UIView, the view in turn sets bounds on its backing CALayer. If you call layoutIfNeeded () on a UIView, the call gets forwarded to the root CALayer. Layers can have sublayers: Just like views can have subviews, layers can have sublayers.

A Boolean indicating whether the layer contents must be updated when its bounds rectangle changes. Initiates the update process for a layer if it is currently marked as needing an update. Returns a Boolean indicating whether the layer has been marked as needing an update.

Can a UIView be a wrapper over a calayer?

UIView, in fact, is just a wrapper over CALayer. Each UIView has one root CALayer, which can contain multiple sublayers. When you set bounds on a UIView, the view in turn sets bounds on its backing CALayer. If you call layoutIfNeeded () on a UIView, the call gets forwarded to the root CALayer.

Replaces the specified sublayer with a different layer object. Marks the layer’s contents as needing to be updated. Marks the region within the specified rectangle as needing to be updated. A Boolean indicating whether the layer contents must be updated when its bounds rectangle changes.