How does combo box work in UI Automation?

How does combo box work in UI Automation?

Combo box controls expose a set of items from a selection container. The combo box control can receive keyboard focus, although when a UI Automation client sets focus on a combo box, any items in the combo box subtree might receive the focus. See notes. Combo box controls typically have a static text label that this property references.

How to access the icombobox interface in Microsoft Docs?

Styles for the caret down button. Default styles that should be applied to ComboBox options, in case an option does not come with user-defined custom styles Optional callback to access the IComboBox interface. Use this instead of ref for accessing the public methods and properties of the component.

What to do with custom function in icomboboxprops?

Custom function for providing the classNames for the ComboBox. Can be used to provide all styles for the component instead of applying them on top of the default styles. Sets the ‘aria-hidden’ attribute on the ComboBox’s button element instructing screen readers how to handle the element.

Is there support for the combobox control type?

This topic provides information about UI Automation support for the ComboBox control type. In UI Automation, a control type is a set of conditions that a control must meet in order to use the ControlTypeProperty property.

Combo box controls expose a set of items from a selection container. The combo box control can receive keyboard focus, although when a UI Automation client sets focus on a combo box, any items in the combo box subtree might receive the focus. See notes. Combo box controls typically have a static text label that this property references.

This topic provides information about UI Automation support for the ComboBox control type. In UI Automation, a control type is a set of conditions that a control must meet in order to use the ControlTypeProperty property.

Where do I find combo box control patterns?

For more information on control patterns, see UI Automation Control Patterns Overview. The combo box control must always contain the drop-down button in order to be a combo box. Displays the current selection in the combo box. This support is delegated to the list box beneath the combo box.

What is the enabled attribute in combo box?

This specifies a new button that is disabled. A permanently disabled button is not very useful, thus the enabled attribute is not commonly used. The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML schema boolean datatype. Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine the enabled state of this control.