How do you create a sphere in VTK?

How do you create a sphere in VTK?

vtkSphereSource creates a sphere (represented by polygons) of specified radius centered at the origin. The resolution (polygonal discretization) in both the latitude (phi) and longitude (theta) directions can be specified. It also is possible to create partial spheres by specifying maximum phi and theta angles.

How to use VTK in the real world?

Cause the sphere to be tessellated with edges along the latitude and longitude lines. More… Set/get the desired precision for the output points. More… Get the output data object for a port on this algorithm. More… see vtkAlgorithm for details More… Assign a data object as input. More… Assign a data object as input. More…

Which is an example of VTK in Python?

The following are code examples for showing how to use vtk.vtkSphereSource () . They are from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the ones you don’t like. def getVTKSphere(center,radius): “””Returns vtk source sphere object with given center and radius.

How to set the center of the sphere?

Set the center of the sphere. More… Set the number of points in the longitude direction (ranging from StartTheta to EndTheta). More… Set the number of points in the longitude direction (ranging from StartTheta to EndTheta).

How to create the vtkdoublearray class reference?

Insert the tuple at srcTupleIdx in the source array into this array at dstTupleIdx. More… Insert value at the location specified by tupleIdx and compIdx. More… Insert the data tuple at the end of the array and return the tuple index at which the data was inserted. More…

How to get the data TUPLE in VTK?

Get the data tuple at tupleIdx by filling in a user-provided array, Make sure that your array is large enough to hold the NumberOfComponents amount of data being returned. More… Get the data tuple at tupleIdx. More… Tell the array explicitly that a single data element has changed. More…

How to use vtk.vtkspheresource example in Python?

The following are 13 code examples for showing how to use vtk.vtkSphereSource () . These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don’t like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.

How to create a vtkfloatarray class reference?

This method allows the user to specify a custom free function to be called when the array is deallocated. More… Set the data tuple at tupleIdx. More… Set the data tuple at tupleIdx. More… Set the tuple at dstTupleIdx in this array to the tuple at srcTupleIdx in the source array. More… Insert the data tuple at tupleIdx. More…