How do I open a tkinter window?

How do I open a tkinter window?

When a Tkinter program runs, it runs a mainloop (an infinite loop) which is responsible for running a GUI program. At a time only one instance of mainloop can be active, so in order to open a new window we have to use a widget, Toplevel.

How do you open a new page in Python?

Use webbrowser. open() to open a website Call webbrowser. open(url, new=1) to open the url in the default web browser of the system. new=1 opens a new browser window, new=0 opens in the same browser window, and new=2 opens in a new tab.

What is a python GUI?

Python offers multiple options for developing GUI (Graphical User Interface). It is a standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit shipped with Python. Python with tkinter is the fastest and easiest way to create the GUI applications. Creating a GUI using tkinter is an easy task.

How do I open GUI in python?

Tkinter Programming

  1. Import the Tkinter module.
  2. Create the GUI application main window.
  3. Add one or more of the above-mentioned widgets to the GUI application.
  4. Enter the main event loop to take action against each event triggered by the user.

How to create a new window in Tkinter?

We normally use tk.Tk () to create a new Tkinter window, but it is not valid if we have already created a root window as shown in the above codes. Toplevel is the right widget in this circumstance as the Toplevel widget is intended to display extra pop-up windows. It binds the createNewWindow function to the button.

How do I find the position of my windows in Tkinter?

To find out this position we need to halve the width and height of the screen and subtract those by half the width and height of the window. To find out the screen and window values we use Tkinter’s winfo command that allows us to find out information about the the windows we create with Tkinter and how they are positioned in the screen.

How to open a new window with a button in Python?

For Ubuntu, you have to install tkinter module by writing following command: When a Tkinter program runs, it runs a mainloop (an infinite loop) which is responsible for running a GUI program. At a time only one instance of mainloop can be active, so in order to open a new window we have to use a widget, Toplevel.

Where can I find the Tkinter module in Python?

The tkinter module is available in Python standard library. For Ubuntu, you have to install tkinter module by writing following command: When a Tkinter program runs, it runs a mainloop (an infinite loop) which is responsible for running a GUI program.

We normally use tk.Tk () to create a new Tkinter window, but it is not valid if we have already created a root window as shown in the above codes. Toplevel is the right widget in this circumstance as the Toplevel widget is intended to display extra pop-up windows. It binds the createNewWindow function to the button.

How to specify where a TK window opens in Python?

If you would like the window to be centered. Here the window.winfo_screenwidth function is used for getting the width of the device screen. And the window.winfo_screenheight function is used for getting the height of the device screen. These can be called on a Tk window of python.

For Ubuntu, you have to install tkinter module by writing following command: When a Tkinter program runs, it runs a mainloop (an infinite loop) which is responsible for running a GUI program. At a time only one instance of mainloop can be active, so in order to open a new window we have to use a widget, Toplevel.

Why is Tkinter not showing up in Windows 10?

If it does the same thing as your real program then your window manager is doing it. This is the best I can do without more information. On OSX (espicially versions using aqua) tkinter’s windows may be displayed behind those that are already open (this has a bug report here: but has been closed as will not fix).