Do you need to have multiple threads in clientworker?

Do you need to have multiple threads in clientworker?

Yes, it doesn’t matter whether your clients are local or remote. The important thing in your example is that ClientWorker is thread-safe, as your server will have multiple instances of that class (one for each client connection). So.

How to multithread socket server with multiple clients?

Socket Client Multithreading Now, we have already implemented our Server Side which accepts or handles multiple clients connected simultaneously. Multiple clients can connect to server and each time a client connects a corresponding thread is created for handling client requests

Is it possible to run client and server on the same machine?

Yes, you can run a client and server on the same machine. I do it all the time for development. If you are having troubles though, some routers have problems forwarding packets back to themselves.

How to handle multiple clients at the same time?

ServerSocket.listen(5) So what we need is that we need to support handle multiple clients or threads at the same time simultaneously. So for that, we need to create a function that handles requests from the individual client by a thread.

Yes, it doesn’t matter whether your clients are local or remote. The important thing in your example is that ClientWorker is thread-safe, as your server will have multiple instances of that class (one for each client connection). So.

Socket Client Multithreading Now, we have already implemented our Server Side which accepts or handles multiple clients connected simultaneously. Multiple clients can connect to server and each time a client connects a corresponding thread is created for handling client requests

How to run different clients on different machines?

Try running on different machines using following command: We have created a fd_set variable readfds, which will monitor all the active file descriptors of the clients plus that of the main server listening socket. Whenever a new client will connect, master_socket will be activated and a new fd will be open for that client.

How to handle multiple client to connect to one server?

How do you handle multiple client to connect to one server? I have this now the question is if I run “java LogServer” on the server, it will open the application and waiting for input stream and if I open my site, it will start streaming the log.