Do you need to disable Google Analytics on your website?

Do you need to disable Google Analytics on your website?

In some cases, it may be necessary to disable Google Analytics on a page without removing the gtag.js tag. For example, you might do this if your site’s privacy policy provides an option for the user to opt-out of Google Analytics.

How can I Opt Out of Google Analytics?

For example, you might do this if your site’s privacy policy provides an option for the user to opt-out of Google Analytics. The gtag.js library includes a window property that, when set to true, disables gtag.js from sending data to Google Analytics.

How to disable gtag.js in Google Analytics?

The gtag.js library includes a window property that, when set to true, disables gtag.js from sending data to Google Analytics. When Google Analytics attempts to set a cookie or send data back to the Google Analytics servers, it will first check if this property is set, and will take no action if the value is set to true.

Do you need to upgrade to Google Analytics 4?

Existing Google Analytics for Firebase customers are advised to upgrade to a Google Analytics 4 property (formerly known as App + Web). Follow these instructions to upgrade your Firebase project to a Google Analytics 4 property.

In some cases, it may be necessary to disable Google Analytics on a page without removing the gtag.js tag. For example, you might do this if your site’s privacy policy provides an option for the user to opt-out of Google Analytics.

For example, you might do this if your site’s privacy policy provides an option for the user to opt-out of Google Analytics. The gtag.js library includes a window property that, when set to true, disables gtag.js from sending data to Google Analytics.

The gtag.js library includes a window property that, when set to true, disables gtag.js from sending data to Google Analytics. When Google Analytics attempts to set a cookie or send data back to the Google Analytics servers, it will first check if this property is set, and will take no action if the value is set to true.

Is there a non standard implementation of Google Analytics?

When you deploy the Google Analytics tracking code in any other way, your GA set up may no longer remain a standard implementation. Following are examples of non-standard implementation of Google Analytics: Google Analytics tracking code (GATC) placed outside the head section ( … ) of a web page.