How to use jQuery and Ajax in flask?

How to use jQuery and Ajax in flask? Now we’ll use jQuery AJAX to post the form data to the Python Flask method. So, let’s create a new JavaScript file called signUp.js and include it after jQuery in signUp.html . In script.js, we’ll attach a click event on button click and call python method using […]

How to find the JIRA issues you worked on last week?

How to find the JIRA issues you worked on last week? Note: The default Jira setup is for weeks to run Sunday – Monday. If you want to find issues worked on between Monday – Sunday replace -7 with -6 This second query looks for issues that were assigned to the user at some point […]

How do I turn off pinch zoom on iPad?

How do I turn off pinch zoom on iPad? While using Zoom with an Apple external keyboard, the Zoom region follows the insertion point, keeping it in the center of the display. See Apple external keyboards for iPad. To turn off Zoom, double-tap the screen with three fingers or use accessibility shortcuts. How do you […]

When to execute the else block in C-if?

When to execute the else block in C-if? C – if…else statement. An if statement can be followed by an optional else statement, which executes when the Boolean expression is false. Syntax. If the Boolean expression evaluates to true, then the if block will be executed, otherwise, the else block will be executed. Is the […]

What are the benefits of using Sass instead of CSS?

What are the benefits of using Sass instead of CSS? Another benefit of SASS is that it allows us to define variables that are reusable throughout our entire project. This provides a huge benefit when working with things like colors and fixed width sizes. Let’s take the example of color scheming for a minute and […]

How to update code that uses the imrect object function?

How to update code that uses the imrect object function? Update code that uses any of the object functions of the imrect ROI object. In many cases, you can replace the call to an imrect object function by simply accessing or setting the value of an Rectangle ROI object property. For example, replace calls to […]

How to programmatically add items to dropdownlist on button click?

How to programmatically add items to dropdownlist on button click? The idea is to dynamically add an item to DropDownList control with the value entered in the TextBox on Button click in ASP.Net. The HTML Markup consists of TextBox, Button and a DropDownList. Below is the Button click event handler, when the Button is clicked […]

Is it bad to use ” while ( true ) loops “?

Is it bad to use ” while ( true ) loops “? There are definitely pitfalls to using a while (true) condition that seem to pop up frequently in code by novice programmers, such as the risk of accidentally creating an infinite loop, or making code that is hard to read or unnecessarily confusing. How […]

Are there any CSS properties that JavaFX does not support?

Are there any CSS properties that JavaFX does not support? JavaFX CSS does not support CSS layout properties such as float , position, overflow, and width. However, the CSS padding and margins properties are supported on some JavaFX scene graph objects. Are there comma separated fonts in JavaFX CSS? JavaFX CSS does not support comma-separated […]

How do you count errors in an array?

How do you count errors in an array? To count specific errors, use the COUNTIF function. For example, count the number of cells that contain the #DIV/0! error. 2/10 Completed! Learn much more about array formulas > How to count elements in a C # array? The Count() method is an extension method of IEnumerable […]