When to use constructor and inheritance in C #?

When to use constructor and inheritance in C #? One is default constructor and other has a string parameter message. In child class all these two constructors are called and print message on console. In this chapter you learned how to define constructor in base class and call it in child class. C# Inheritance Constructor […]

How is the Gaussian mixture model estimated in OpenCV?

How is the Gaussian mixture model estimated in OpenCV? From this sample, the Gaussian mixture model is estimated. logLikelihoods: optional, output a matrix containing the likelihood value of each sample. Labels: optional, output the corresponding labels of each sample. probs: optional, output a matrix containing the posterior probability of each implicit variable Is the GMM […]

What is the purpose of segment Profile API?

What is the purpose of segment Profile API? The Segment Profile API provides a single API to read user-level and account-level customer data. Segment now allows you to query the entire user or account object programmatically, including the external_ids , traits , and events that make up a user’s journey through your product. How to […]

What are the components of a table reference?

What are the components of a table reference? The reference includes three components: 1 Table name 2 Item specifier 3 Column specifiers More … Where does a reference appear in a sentence? You do both. A citation (usually called in-text citation) appears in a sentence, either as a part of it or at the end […]

Can I build a website without a framework?

Can I build a website without a framework? So, can you build rich web apps without using frameworks? The short answer is yes. There are plenty of websites out there that are built without using a framework; GitHub and YouTube are probably the most popular ones. Can Web Apps work offline? Users of typical online […]

How to change the maximum file size in PHP?

How to change the maximum file size in PHP? You need to set the value of upload_max_filesize and post_max_size in your php.ini : After modifying php.ini file (s), you need to restart your HTTP server to use new configuration. If you can’t change your php.ini, you’re out of luck. How big of a file can […]

Why is Captcha code not working?

Why is Captcha code not working? If the CAPTCHA code isn’t appearing or your CAPTCHA code is not working when you try to file your return, try switching to a different browser. Or it might have expired — try clicking the link to get another code. For example, if you have a blank CAPTCHA in […]

Are there any free jQuery carousel plugins to use?

Are there any free jQuery carousel plugins to use? This plugin is absolutely free to use. This plugin offers various events on the carousel like pause, resume, stop, end and refresh carousel. The plugin provides previous and next buttons for manual navigation through various elements in the carousel. What does the carousel plugin do in […]

Which event handler should not be attached to the window object?

Which event handler should not be attached to the window object? Note: A jQuery error event handler should not be attached to the window object. The browser fires the window ‘s error event when a script error occurs. However, the window error event receives different arguments and has different return value requirements than conventional event […]

How are design patterns used in dynamic languages?

How are design patterns used in dynamic languages? (2) Design Patterns in Dynamic Languages   Dynamic Languages have fewer language limitations Less need for bookkeeping objects and classes Less need to get around class-restricted design What is the difference between tightly coupled and loosely coupled multiprocessors? While in tightly coupled multiprocessor, IOPIN helps connection between […]