Does Oracle view improve performance?

Does Oracle view improve performance? Since views don’t improve performance, why use them? Most Oracle shops that employ views do so for end-user queries or for queries where they want to hide complexity and ensure uniform join methods. Oracle’s solution to improving performance of standard views is the materialized view. How can you improve the […]

Why is the ARM Cortex m4f only able to do float operations?

Why is the ARM Cortex m4f only able to do float operations? The answer is that the ARM Cortex-M4F has only a *single precision* (float) FPU, and not a double precision (double) FPU. As such it only can do float operations in hardware but not for double type. The solution in this case is to […]

Why is XAMPP unable to move files from TMP?

Why is XAMPP unable to move files from TMP? Currently it creates the directory with no issues, however it cannot move the uploaded file from the tmp directory. and gives me the following error: Warning: move_uploaded_file (): Unable to move ‘C:pp mp\php2152.tmp’ to ‘C:pp\htdocs\varploads\pages\Instagram’ in C:pp\htdocs ewPage.php on line 15 Error -htmlUpload Why is PHP […]

How to calculate AR ( 1 ) model in R?

How to calculate AR ( 1 ) model in R? Once you find the residuals ε t, the fitted values are just X̂ t =X t −ε t. In R, we can do it as follows: We can now plot both the original and the fitted time series to see how close the fit is. […]

How to create a dropdownlist in MVC architecture?

How to create a dropdownlist in MVC architecture? We may add MyMVCApp.Models namespace to the <namespaces> section in the web.config file of our View folders instead of mentioning here by using @ so that all namespaces will be included in all the views of your application. In this way, we can use the DropDownList method […]

Is there a way to drop down menus in kendo?

Is there a way to drop down menus in kendo? Solve saving nullable model properties bound to drop down menus inside the Kendo grid on both create and edit events Telerik Kendo Controls makes things pretty easy for both UX and UI developers as well as those who are using technologies such as ASP.NET MVC […]

Can you use list comprehension with Numpy array?

Can you use list comprehension with Numpy array? List comprehension is a powerful method to create new lists from existing lists. You can even even use Pandas Series or Numpy Arrays with List Comprehension. How do you create a numpy array from Python list? To create a Numpy Array from list just pass the list […]

Why is my post on Facebook not posting?

Why is my post on Facebook not posting? If a message like “There Was a Problem Updating Your Status” or “This Message Could Not Be Posted to This Timeline” appears when you attempt to post to your profile, more than likely Facebook is experiencing network or server issues. How do you fix Facebook Cannot upload […]

Why Python is called garbage collector?

Why Python is called garbage collector? Python deletes unwanted objects (built-in types or class instances) automatically to free the memory space. The process by which Python periodically frees and reclaims blocks of memory that no longer are in use is called Garbage Collection. What is the difference between garbage collection and Automatic Reference Counting? Before […]

How to clear the cache in Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, chrome?

How to clear the cache in Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, chrome? How to clear the cache in Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, Opera and Chrome? Click the hamburger menu on the top right -> Library -> History -> Clear Recent History. Choose the time range and the items you wish to clear and click Clear […]