How do I group data in an ASP NET MVC view?

How do I group data in an ASP NET MVC view? Using the code is simple. Just have a look over the View (. cshtml page) where Linq GroupBy query has been used to group the model. Then, we have iterated through the groups and then each data within the group. How to group data […]

Can you compare datetime?

Can you compare datetime? The DateTime. Compare() method in C# is used for comparison of two DateTime instances. It returns an integer value, <0 − If date1 is earlier than date2. How can I compare two datetime in Java? In Java, two dates can be compared using the compareTo() method of Comparable interface. This method […]

Which is the compiler options tool for MSVC?

Which is the compiler options tool for MSVC? Compiler Options. cl.exe is a tool that controls the Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) C and C++ compilers and linker. cl.exe can be run only on operating systems that support Microsoft Visual Studio for Windows. How to enable 64 bit MSVC toolset on command line? On earlier versions […]

How to fix https socket error in JMeter?

How to fix https socket error in JMeter? Add a ‘HTTP Request Default’ configuration element from the ‘Configuration Elements’ option (i.e., Right-click test plan and add this ‘HTTP Request Default’). In this ‘HTTP Request Default’, there is an option – Connect in ‘Timeouts (milliseconds)’ Specify your connection timeout value in this field and it will […]

How to bind textblock visibility to dependencyproperty?

How to bind textblock visibility to dependencyproperty? I’ve some simple code below that uses a ToggleButton.IsChecked property to set the Visibility of a TextBlock. It works fine. Since this doesn’t quite fit in with my program’s structure, I’m trying to bind the visibility of another TextBlock to a DependencyProperty of “this”. It compiles fine, but […]

How to use htmlformatter in pygments.formatters?

How to use htmlformatter in pygments.formatters? To use HtmlFormatter, import it from pygments.formatters and then instantiate it as follows: Finally, the last step is to call the highlight () function from the pygments package. The highlight () function puts everything together and returns the highlighted output. It takes three arguments, the code to highlight, lexer […]

How to create a test fixture in Google Test?

How to create a test fixture in Google Test? Test Fixtures are easy to create in google test. You just need to create a class that is the same name as your test case and inherit from the testing::Test class. Now that you have a test fixture you need to let you tests know how […]

How to deal with ” no target architecture ” error?

How to deal with ” no target architecture ” error? \ TYPE_ALIGNMENT ( _s ) : TYPE_ALIGNMENT ( DWORD )) #elif !defined (RC_INVOKED) #error “No Target Architecture” #endif You have #included that header, possibly indirectly by including another header. You can tell VS2012 to list all the includes it uses by setting “Show Includes” to […]

How do I open a tkinter window?

How do I open a tkinter window? When a Tkinter program runs, it runs a mainloop (an infinite loop) which is responsible for running a GUI program. At a time only one instance of mainloop can be active, so in order to open a new window we have to use a widget, Toplevel. How do […]

How to disconnect specific slot from all signals?

How to disconnect specific slot from all signals? There is an option: @QObject::disconnect (receiver, SLOT (slot ()));@ but this connects only the signals in the current object. I want to disconnect ALL signals, without knowing the objects that are connected to the slot. Any ideas? How to connect a static signal to a dynamic slot? […]