How do you make the bottom Navigation Bar transparent in flutter?

How do you make the bottom Navigation Bar transparent in flutter? Found a solution for transparent BottomNavigationBar . Open the the source code of BottomNavigationBar using the shortcut Ctrl+B. Scroll through the file you will find a method named Widget build . On that you can find a Stack widget where you can find a […]

Is session different for different users?

Is session different for different users? No. There is a seperate $_SESSION created for each user. This is all done by the server, you don’t have to worry about it. When writing your code, treat the $_SESSION as if there was only one user on the site. How does PHP keep track of sessions? The […]

How do you determine what SQL Server components are installed?

How do you determine what SQL Server components are installed? Process Open SQL Server Configuration Manager and click SQL Server Services. From here, you can see each SQL Server component that is installed on the server. Confirm the Database Engine is installed. Confirm SQL Server Analysis Services is installed. Confirm SQL Server Integration Services is […]

When does uncaught TypeError occur in Chrome browser?

When does uncaught TypeError occur in Chrome browser? This error occurs in Chrome Browser when you read a property or call a method on an undefined object . How to solve the uncaught TypeError in JS? If you disable ps_searchbar, the second one will try to call a JS function (in your case ps_shoppingcart). So […]

What is debug and release mode?

What is debug and release mode? The Debug configuration of your program is compiled with full symbolic debug information which help the debugger figure out where it is in the source code. Is Release mode is faster than Debug mode? The Release mode enables optimizations and generates without any debug data, so it is fully […]

How to calculate past 5 weeks in Webi?

How to calculate past 5 weeks in Webi? I’d construct a flag field (either in the back-end or in the universe) using datediff (in SQL Server terms). Failing that, you could construct a variable in Web Intelligence using the Week function. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! How to perform a cumulative sum […]

How do I restrict access in PHP?

How do I restrict access in PHP? You should look into PHP sessions. You can set a session variable “isLogged” in that redirection file, and then check in admin. php if that session variable is registered, if not redirect to the login page! Note: session_start(); must be called before the $_SESSION global can be utilised. […]

How do you transfer a Word document to files?

How do you transfer a Word document to files? Click “File” tab and then “Open.” Bring up folder with Word docs to be transferred to new folder. Click on file/files to be moved and drag to new file location on the Desktop. How you will work with Word document? Work with documents in Word for […]

How can I save a document for the first time?

How can I save a document for the first time? If you’re saving the file for the first time, the Save As pane will appear in Backstage view. You’ll then need to choose where to save the file and give it a file name. Click Browse to select a location on your computer. Alternatively, you […]

What are the properties of an empty set?

What are the properties of an empty set? Properties of the Empty Set. The intersection of any set with the empty set is the empty set. This is because there are no elements in the empty set, and so the two sets have no elements in common. In symbols, we write X ∩ ∅ = […]