Why does getdeclaredmethod not work in Java?

Why does getdeclaredmethod not work in Java? You specify a name in getDeclaredMethod but no parameter, although the Test method does have a parameter in its signature. Because the first argument of Method.invoke expects an object. However this argument is ignored in case of static methods: If the underlying method is static, then the specified […]

What are the applications of Java EE?

What are the applications of Java EE? Java EE is a structured application with a separate client, business, and Enterprise layers. It is mostly used to develop APIs for Desktop Applications like antivirus software, game, etc. It is mainly used for developing web applications. What is Java EE module? A Java EE module consists of […]

Can you use multiple sprites on one path2d line?

Can you use multiple sprites on one path2d line? I want to use multiple sprites to follow path2d line. But different sprites should be on different parts (offset) of the same line at the same time. Is it possible? Why do you need a sprite Atlas in Unity? Unity normally issues a draw call for […]

Why does fragment not have a set background?

Why does fragment not have a set background? Fragments don’t inherit from View and thus don’t have a set background method. The reason why that doesn’t work is because fragment is treated similar to an activity. It is a container that is the child of the main activity, and is used to display other items. […]

How do you change the color of the text in a PDF?

How do you change the color of the text in a PDF? Double click inside your text box, which will make the Text Color setting appear on the Properties Bar. Highlight the text in your text box, and change the text color on the Properties Bar. In order to make this your default color, click […]

What can the createpattern ( ) method be used for?

What can the createpattern ( ) method be used for? The createPattern () method repeats the specified element in the specified direction. The element can be an image, video, or another <canvas> element. The repeated element can be used to draw/fill rectangles, circles, lines etc. How to create a canvaspattern in JavaScript? The CanvasRenderingContext2D .createPattern […]

How to overlap scrolling view with appbarlayout stack?

How to overlap scrolling view with appbarlayout stack? CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams params = (CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) scrollView.getLayoutParams (); AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior behavior = (AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior) params.getBehavior (); behavior.setOverlayTop (128); // Note: in pixels How is a ScrollView different from a stacklayout? A ScrollView can be a child layout to a different parent layout. A ScrollView will often be the child of a […]

Where should data be stored?

Where should data be stored? In general, regulation requires that all raw data be kept for a minimum of 3-years after study completion. If the research plan includes long term retention of PII (in paper or electronic form), then all data files should be stored securely in a safe or locked file cabinets in a […]

What to do if you hear static on MIDI instruments?

What to do if you hear static on MIDI instruments? First of all, start a Tech service ticket right away, Then your in line for support. If your getting static on midi instruments it sounds to me like you computer is having problems with digital audio… have you optimized your computer for digital audio? Why […]

Can you increase the volume of a song on iTunes?

Can you increase the volume of a song on iTunes? Here you can see that iTunes will increase the volume of this track by more than 15 dB—quite a bit. When you listen to music with Sound Check turned on, either with iTunes or an iPod, you’ll find that songs won’t surprise you much by […]