How do MATLAB and Simulink work together?

How do MATLAB and Simulink work together? MATLAB and Simulink Work Together When you use MATLAB® and Simulink® together, you combine textual and graphical programming to design your system in a simulation environment. Directly use the thousands of algorithms that are already in MATLAB. Use MATLAB to create input data sets to drive simulation. How […]

What happens when an exception is thrown in LINQ?

What happens when an exception is thrown in LINQ? What happens if an exception is thrown by your LINQ query? Well, if you were iterating through with a foreach statement, then you’ll break out of that iteration and process no further elements. What are the different types of LINQ query operators? LINQ standard query operators […]

How do you post a variable in JavaScript?

How do you post a variable in JavaScript? Yes you could use an and set the value of that hidden field in your javascript code so it gets posted with your other form data. There is a lot of ways to achieve this. In regards to the way you are asking, with a hidden form […]

How can I open only apps from App Store?

How can I open only apps from App Store? For additional security, you can chose to allow only apps from the App Store. In System Preferences, click Security & Privacy, then click General. Click the lock and enter your password to make changes. Is there a way to make apps open without opening shortcuts? Initially, […]

What do you need to know about Apache Camel servlet?

What do you need to know about Apache Camel servlet? The Servlet component provides HTTP based endpoints for consuming HTTP requests that arrive at a HTTP endpoint that is bound to a published Servlet. Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component: Which is the starter library for […]

What did I do before coming to Heroku?

What did I do before coming to Heroku? Before coming to Heroku, I did some consulting work as a Node.js solutions architect. My job was to visit various companies and make sure that they were successful in designing production-ready Node applications. Unfortunately, I witnessed many different problems when it came to error handling, especially on […]

How to install Google Chrome browser on Ubuntu?

How to install Google Chrome browser on Ubuntu? Installing packages on Ubuntu requires administrative privileges. Running the following command as a user with sudo privileges to install Chrome .deb package on your system: sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb. When prompted, enter your user password, and the installation will start. How to install Mozilla Firefox on Ubuntu […]

Can a universal app be run on an iPad?

Can a universal app be run on an iPad? When user opens the universal app on iPhone, one will see the iPhone version. And if user runs it on iPad, he/she will be see the iPad version, not the “blown-up” version of iPhone app, but the custom designed version for the iPad. Can a universal […]

How to call API with antiforgerytoken using postman in?

How to call API with antiforgerytoken using postman in? If I’ll remove attribute [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] then of course everything works fine but obviously because that validation is disabled. You’d need to do followings to send such a request: How can I implement rest call over HTTPS? You will need to have an SSL Certificate purchased […]

How to detect if a fragment is visible to the user?

How to detect if a fragment is visible to the user? Android. Detect if fragment is visible to user. Imagine that you have one activity and several fragments inside it, which you dynamically add, remove using FragmentManager. Few days ago in my project I realized that I can’t understand which fragment is currently visible to […]