Which is the first argument in execl ( ) function?

Which is the first argument in execl ( ) function? In execl () system function takes the path of the executable binary file (i.e. /bin/ls) as the first and second argument. Then, the arguments (i.e. -lh, /home) that you want to pass to the executable followed by NULL. Then execl () system function runs the […]

How to fix Telerik UI design time error?

How to fix Telerik UI design time error? If you reference NoXaml, use Implicit Styles. Close all .xaml tabs in Visual Studio. Close Visual Studio. Clear Visual Studio designer’s cache. To do this, go to the following directory: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\Designer\ShadowCache. Then delete all subfolders. What’s the difference between Telerik UI and XAML? Xaml vs. NoXaml. Telerik […]

How do you check if a sprite is touching another sprite?

How do you check if a sprite is touching another sprite? The Touching ()? The block checks if its sprite is touching the mouse-pointer, edge, or another sprite (a reporter block which returns the sprite’s name, usually a variable can be used). If the sprite is touching the selected object, the block returns true; if […]

What do you need to know about Groovy scripting?

What do you need to know about Groovy scripting? For a more detailed explanation of Groovy scripting using Application Composer, see the Groovy Scripting Reference guide. The server scripts that you can define for any standard or custom object include the following: Write a script to validate either a field or an object. Where does […]

How to make a plot with two different Y-axis?

How to make a plot with two different Y-axis? To create a twin Axes object that shares the x-axis, we use the twinx method. Let us import Pandas. We will use gapminder data from Carpentries to make the plot with two different y-axis on the same plot. Let us subset gapminder data by using Pandas […]

How to put single quotes around variables in a dynamic query?

How to put single quotes around variables in a dynamic query? Initially @Query is set to the query string and then I want to dynamically add the WHERE clause. It works, except it isn’t putting the single quotes around the strings in this case @val. This causes an error. How do I include the single […]

What is the file input field in Bootstrap?

What is the file input field in Bootstrap? Bootstrap File Input Bootstrap File Input is a field which the user can use to upload one or more files (photos, documents or any other file type) from local storage. Standard file inputs usually leave a lot to be desired in terms of design, but MDB takes […]

Which is the best package for extracting data in R?

Which is the best package for extracting data in R? Gladly, R offers the amazing package “strin g r,” which is perfect for these purposes. This quick tutorial will show you how you can extract minute but still insightful data from these kinds of variables. In this case, we will be extracting this kind of […]

How to use split in Python?

How to use split in Python? How to use Split in Python The split () method in Python returns a list of the words in the string/line, separated by the delimiter string. This method will return one or more new strings. All substrings are returned in the list datatype. What does the split function do […]