Can you call Oracle store procedure from CodeIgniter?

Can you call Oracle store procedure from CodeIgniter?

Codeigniter is a nice framework and it’s support for oci8 is promising. Being inspired I started a project with Codeigniter and Oracle. But on the fly I started facing some problems. When i call store procedure from Codeigniter it gives me error. And the major problem is binding.

How to insert a stored procedure in a database?

This will create a new stored procedure in the database. Now open object explorer and select storeprocedure MasterInsertUpdateDelete. MasterInsertUpdateDelete -> right click select Execute Stored Procedure… Execute procedure window will be opened. Now for insert, we fill the data in values in the required fields. Click on the OK button.

How to use ci with Oracle stored procedures?

A subsequent call to query ($sql, FALSE, $have_cursor) internally calls _execute ($sql) which nullifies the stmt_id and attempts to reparse the sql string without the necessary bind variables. // oracle must parse the query before it is run. All of the actions with $sql .= $param [‘name’] .

When to use stored procedure in MySQL CodeIgniter?

Stored procedure is used when you want to execute multiple SQL statements in a group to perform certain actions. Codeigniter 3.1.11, MySQL 8.0.17 – 8.0.22, Apache HTTP Server 2.4

How are procedures stored in the Oracle Database?

Procedures can be stored in the database using Oracle tools such as SQL*Plus. You create the source for the procedure using your text editor, and execute the source using SQL*Plus (for example, with the @ operator). When you input the source, use the CREATE PROCEDURE command.

How to call a stored procedure from PL / SQL block?

Calling Stored Procedure from PL/SQL block: Calling a procedure from another procedure or PL/SQL block. The example below demonstrates how to call the existing procedure from PL/SQL Anonymous or named block. Here we will call the procedure from a block.

How are bind variables used in Oracle Database?

Bind variables are placeholders inside a SQL statement. When a database receives a SQL statement, it determines if the statement has already been executed and stored in memory. If the statement does exist in memory, Oracle Database can reuse it and skip the task of parsing and optimizing the statement.

How to create a stored procedure in JDBC?

Open the Session entity, and add a new attribute cust_oneset_sp, setting the data type to Ent_OneSet_Customer. Create the stored procedure Get_TwoSets_CustomerInfo in your Oracle, SQL Server, or DB2 database, using the appropriate commands: Create a JDBC data source for the stored procedure in the application server that you are using.