Can a verified number be used as a Twilio caller ID?

Can a verified number be used as a Twilio caller ID?

Notice: While a verified phone number can be used as a Caller ID for outbound Twilio calls, you will not be able to receive inbound calls to Twilio over this number. Incoming calls to the verified number will continue to route through the existing service provider (your wireless service, landline provider, etc.).

How does an inbound call work in Twilio?

An inbound call occurs when a person calls one of your Twilio phone numbers, client connections, or SIP-enabled endpoints. An outbound call happens when you initiate a call from a Twilio phone number to an outside phone number, client, or SIP domain. You can initiate an outbound call by POSTing to the Call resource, creating a new call.

Do you need a SIP address to call Twilio?

The phone number, SIP address, or client identifier to call. The phone number or client identifier to use as the caller id. If using a phone number, it must be a Twilio number or a Verified outgoing caller id for your account. If the to parameter is a phone number, From must also be a phone number.

How to pass custom information via requests to Twilio?

Please read on for more details. If you have custom headers or tracking details you want associated with your requests, you can pass the details in the voice request URL. Then, when the API call is answered, you will receive a callback to their server with those details.

What does Sid stand for in Twilio API?

A Call SID is the unique ID for any incoming or outgoing voice call successfully created by Twilio’s API.

The phone number, SIP address, or client identifier to call. The phone number or client identifier to use as the caller id. If using a phone number, it must be a Twilio number or a Verified outgoing caller id for your account. If the to parameter is a phone number, From must also be a phone number.

An inbound call occurs when a person calls one of your Twilio phone numbers, client connections, or SIP-enabled endpoints. An outbound call happens when you initiate a call from a Twilio phone number to an outside phone number, client, or SIP domain. You can initiate an outbound call by POSTing to the Call resource, creating a new call.

What is the Account ID number for Twilio?

AccountSid: Your Twilio account ID. It is 34 characters long, and always starts with the letters AC. From: The phone number or client identifier of the party that initiated the call. Phone numbers use E.164 formatting, meaning they start with a + and country code, e.g. +16175551212.