Are there any proven Eclipse technologies in Java?

Are there any proven Eclipse technologies in Java?

Proven Eclipse technologies like SWT, JFace viewers, OSGi modularity and services, data binding, etc. are also covered in detail. This book requires a working knowledge of Java and assumes that you are familiar in using the Eclipse IDE for standard Java development. It assumes no previous experience of Eclipse plug-in and Eclipse RCP development.

Which is the best guide for building Eclipse plug-ins?

This new edition of Eclipse: Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins is the definitive, start-to-finish guide to building commercial-quality Eclipse plug-ins, with an emphasis on adding the sophistication and polish that paying customers demand.

How does selection service work in Eclipse Workbench?

The selection service provided by the Eclipse workbench allows efficient linking of different parts within the workbench window. Knowing and using the existing selection mechanisms gives your plug-ins a clean design, smoothly integrates them into the workbench and opens them for future extensions.

How to create a web application in Eclipse?

The Eclipse Web Tools Project delivers a feature-rich environment for developing J2EE database-driven web applications. This tutorial walks you through the process of creating a simple database web application using Eclipse WTP, Tomcat, and the Derby database engine.

How to create a simple EJB application in Eclipse?

In the project with an EJB module you will create a simple Session EJB, and in the project with the web module you will create a client web application to this EJB component. Select File -> New -> Other. Select EJB -> J2EE EJB Module and click Next.

How are JDK, XDoclet and JBoss configured in Eclipse?

JDK, XDoclet and JBoss are now configured in Eclipse. You will now create flexible projects with EJB and Web modules. In the project with an EJB module you will create a simple Session EJB, and in the project with the web module you will create a client web application to this EJB component.

How to create an EJB client in ear?

Enter ZooBeans for the module name. Click advanced and deselect Add module to an EAR project. Select Create an EJB Client JAR, make sure the EJB version 2.0 is selected and click Finish to accept the defaults. You will be prompted to switch to the J2EE perspective.

How to create flexible project with EJB and web modules?

You will now create flexible projects with EJB and Web modules. In the project with an EJB module you will create a simple Session EJB, and in the project with the web module you will create a client web application to this EJB component. Select File -> New -> Other. Select EJB -> J2EE EJB Module and click Next.