Are there any problems with aggregate audio devices?

Are there any problems with aggregate audio devices?

Disclaimer: However useful, aggregate devices cannot be expected to perform as well as a configuration based on a single hardware audio device: under certain circumstances, clocking errors can take place, resulting in audio drop outs and generic performance issues. Latency might be misreported and connectivity issues are more likely to occur.

Is it possible to combine multiple audio interfaces?

It’s also possible to combine multiple audio interfaces into an aggregate device at a system level. Creating an aggregate device is a way to group multiple audio interfaces into one virtual device so that Live can communicate with a single, solitary virtual audio interface.

How does Native Instruments help with audio performance?

The driver software (control panel) included with Native Instruments audio interfaces offers a test that helps you determine whether your system is experiencing audio performance problems. In some cases you will be able to completely resolve your performance issues simply by adjusting the settings in the control panel of your NI audio interface.

How is an aggregate device used in live?

Creating an aggregate device is a way to group multiple audio interfaces into one virtual device so that Live can communicate with a single, solitary virtual audio interface. This new group of devices appears as a single Aggregate Device in Live’s preferences.

What kind of audio interface does Focusrite use?

The audio interface portion of this device is based on Focusrite’s “1st Generation” USB interface technology, which gives us a chance to compare the improvements Focusrite has made with the 2nd generation drivers.

The driver software (control panel) included with Native Instruments audio interfaces offers a test that helps you determine whether your system is experiencing audio performance problems. In some cases you will be able to completely resolve your performance issues simply by adjusting the settings in the control panel of your NI audio interface.

What should I do if my audio interface is not working?

If your system is still not detecting or communicating properly with your device, then we will need to reinstall the interface’s driver software. Drivers are often bundled with control panel software which allows you to remotely control your audio interface. Some audio interfaces are class-compliant and do not require driver software to operate.

What should I know about audio interface latencies?

When shopping for audio interfaces, it’s good to know which devices offer you the lowest reliable round-trip latencies at given sample rates and buffer sizes. Not all interfaces perform alike. There are many factors that contribute to interface performance, but the most important appears to be driver quality.