How to overlap scrolling view with appbarlayout stack?

How to overlap scrolling view with appbarlayout stack?

CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams params = (CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) scrollView.getLayoutParams (); AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior behavior = (AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior) params.getBehavior (); behavior.setOverlayTop (128); // Note: in pixels

How is a ScrollView different from a stacklayout?

A ScrollView can be a child layout to a different parent layout. A ScrollView will often be the child of a StackLayout. A ScrollView requires a specific height to compute the difference between the height of its content and its own height, with the difference being the amount that the ScrollView can scroll its content.

How does a ScrollView scroll its child content?

To scroll its child content, ScrollView computes the difference between the height of its content and its own height. That difference is the amount that the ScrollView can scroll its content. A StackLayout will often be the child of a ScrollView.

How to create ScrollView with fixed header and footer layout?

In our example there will be a header which will always be fixed at the top of mobile screen and a footer that will always be fixed at the bottom of the screen. The body content have scroll view with full body view. Find the complete example. Find the layout. 1. Create <RelativeLayout> as a root element. 2.

How to make a view scrollable both horizontally and vertically?

Step 1: Choose your Parent layout. In the example I have choose a LinearLayout with with horizontal orientation. Step 2: Add HorizontalScrollView as a sub-view with layout_width and layout_height as match_parent. You may add padding if you want.

How to make a scrollable constraintlayout in Android?

TO make a scrollable layout, the layout is correct. It will not be scrollable until there is reason to scroll (just like in any other layout). So add enough content and it will be scrollable, just like with any layout (Linear, Relative, etc). However, you cannot scroll properly in Blueprint or design-mode when designing with ConstraintLayout

CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams params = (CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) scrollView.getLayoutParams (); AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior behavior = (AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior) params.getBehavior (); behavior.setOverlayTop (128); // Note: in pixels

What are constraints between Super View and Scroll View?

Constraints between the scroll view and a super view act on the frame of the scroll view. Constraints between the scroll view and a subview act on the content area of the scroll view.