What does the passengerruby option do in Ruby?

What does the passengerruby option do in Ruby?

The PassengerRuby option specifies the Ruby interpreter to use for serving Ruby web applications. If PassengerRuby is not specified, then it defaults to the value of PassengerDefaultRuby (which in itself defaults to ruby, meaning the first ruby command found in PATH ).

What is the default value of the passengerrubyoption?

The PassengerRubyoption specifies the Ruby interpreter to use for serving Ruby web applications. If PassengerRubyis not specified, then it defaults to the value of PassengerDefaultRuby(which in itself defaults to ruby, meaning the first rubycommand found in PATH). Closely related to PassengerRubyis PassengerPython]

What happens if you do not set passengerroot to the wrong value?

If you do not set PassengerRoot, then Passenger will complain about it and prevent Apache from starting. If you set PassengerRoot to the wrong value, then Passenger will attempt to locate some of its own files, fail to do so, then complain with an error message and abort Apache.

Where to find the path to the passenger Directory?

If you installed Passenger through source tarball or by cloning it from the Passenger Github repository, then the value should be the path to the Passenger directory. In all other cases, obtain the correct value by running the following command:

The PassengerRuby option specifies the Ruby interpreter to use for serving Ruby web applications. If PassengerRuby is not specified, then it defaults to the value of PassengerDefaultRuby (which in itself defaults to ruby, meaning the first ruby command found in PATH ).

The PassengerRubyoption specifies the Ruby interpreter to use for serving Ruby web applications. If PassengerRubyis not specified, then it defaults to the value of PassengerDefaultRuby(which in itself defaults to ruby, meaning the first rubycommand found in PATH). Closely related to PassengerRubyis PassengerPython]

If you do not set PassengerRoot, then Passenger will complain about it and prevent Apache from starting. If you set PassengerRoot to the wrong value, then Passenger will attempt to locate some of its own files, fail to do so, then complain with an error message and abort Apache.

Is there still a bug in Ruby passenger?

Passenger is under active maintenance and development, so there is a chance that – assuming you really ran into a bug – the bug is already fixed. Please upgrade Passenger to the latest version and check whether the problem is still there.

Which is the default interpreter in Apache passenger?

The default value is ruby, meaning that the Ruby interpreter will be looked up according to the PATH environment variable. If you want to specify the Ruby interpreter to use for serving a specific Ruby web application, then we recommend that you use the PassengerRubyconfiguration option instead of PassengerDefaultRuby.

What do you need to know about passenger in Ruby?

Passenger is an open source web application server for Ruby. It handles HTTP requests, manages processes and resources, and enables administration, monitoring and problem diagnosis. Passenger is very easy to use, makes deploying in production much easier and is scalable. What is this tutorial?

How to deploy a Ruby app with passenger?

Deploying a Ruby app with Passenger to production. Passenger is an open source web application server for Ruby. It handles HTTP requests, manages processes and resources, and enables administration, monitoring and problem diagnosis. Passenger is very easy to use, makes deploying in production much easier and is scalable.

Which is the open source web application server for Ruby?

Passenger is an open source web application server for Ruby. It handles HTTP requests, manages processes and resources, and enables administration, monitoring and problem diagnosis. Passenger is very easy to use, makes deploying in production much easier and is scalable.