How to create a controller in ASP.NET?

How to create a controller in ASP.NET?

The ASP.NET MVC controller is just a class. If you prefer, you can ignore the convenient Visual Studio controller scaffolding and create a controller class by hand. Follow these steps: Right-click the Controllers folder and select the menu option Add, New Item and select the Class template (see Figure 4).

How to route the first controller in C #?

Now, if just run the application, then our routemap knows that he needs to route the ‘First’ controller and ‘Welcome’ action by default. Press Ctrl + F5. And now, it is working without requesting any URL explicitly. Let’s copy the Welcome function and paste it.

Is there way to check internet connection in C # program?

Can you please tell me if there is a way to check if there is a internet connection in my computer when my C# program is running. For a simple example, if internet is working, I would output a message box saying Internet is available. else I would output a message saying, Internet is unavailable.

How to inject a service into a C # controller?

To inject the service into your controller, use the standard C# dependency injection technique. Suppose you have a method in your service class that calls an API controller to get a user from the database by the user’s ID.

Can you please tell me if there is a way to check if there is a internet connection in my computer when my C# program is running. For a simple example, if internet is working, I would output a message box saying Internet is available. else I would output a message saying, Internet is unavailable.

To inject the service into your controller, use the standard C# dependency injection technique. Suppose you have a method in your service class that calls an API controller to get a user from the database by the user’s ID.

How are browser requests mapped to controllers in ASP.NET?

In an ASP.NET MVC application, a URL corresponds to a controller action instead of a page on disk. In a traditional ASP.NET or ASP application, browser requests are mapped to pages. In an ASP.NET MVC application, in contrast, browser requests are mapped to controller actions. An ASP.NET Web Forms application is content-centric.

How does the WebBrowser control work in C #?

The WebBrowser class in code behind is associated with the WebBrowser control. So when you drag and drop a WebBrowser control to the Form, a WebBrowser class instance is created in the code behind. The Navigate method of the WebBrowser class is used to open a URL in the WebBrowser. webBrowser1.Navigate (new Uri (url));